Key Questions to Ask When Ordering Marine Aids to Navigation Solutions

Author: Geoff

Jul. 29, 2024

AIS Frequently Asked Questions | Navigation Center - navcen

1. What is AIS? Per 33 CFR §164.46(a), AIS is a maritime navigation safety communications system standardized by the International Telecommunication Union (ITU) and adopted by the International Maritime Organization (IMO) that provides vessel information, including the vessel's identity, type, position, course, speed, navigational status and other safety-related information automatically to appropriately equipped shore stations, other ships, and aircraft; receives automatically such information from similarly fitted ships; monitors and tracks ships; and exchanges data with shore-based facilities. Note, many devices are marketed as AIS, but, only those (see Types of AIS) that are certified to meet stringent standards are. Read more on what it is, how it works, what it broadcasts, and, the messages it uses, etc.

If you are looking for more details, kindly visit our website.

2. How do I register, encode, install, verify my AIS or, obtain or update an MMSI? AIS devices are not registered, but must be operated with an official 9-digit Maritime Mobile Service Identity (MMSI) number assigned to the vessel and its owner. To learn about, obtain, transfer, or update one see our MMSI page. Encoding an AIS varies by class. Per FCC Regulations (47 CFR 80.231), U.S. sold AIS Class B devices are not user configurable. AIS Class A are, but their static data is password protected. Class B owners, and users who have forgotten their password, should contact their AIS installer, manufacturer, or retailer for instructions on how to reprogram it.

Note, each USCG type-approved AIS has an internal built-in integrity tester that mitigates the need to send TEST text messages to verify its operations. That said, the U.S. Coast Guard operates a Vessel Information Verification Service which can be used to not only verify that your AIS has broadcasted, but, will also highlight any potential static data or encoding discrepancies (contrary to our USCG AIS Encoding Guidance). VIVS is a NAVCEN service that cross-references broadcasted  AIS static data--MMSI, vessel name , call sign, official number, dimensions, draft, and, ship type--received (within the last 30 days) by NAIS with data available from other authoritive sources (i,e, IMO, FCC Universal Licensing service, National Vessel Documentation Center) and highlights any discrepancies.

Note, per 33 CFR §164.46(a)&(d)) vessels equipped with AIS must ensure it is:broadcasting accurately, installed taking into consideration the guidelines developed by the International Maritime Organization (IMO Safety of Navigation Circular.227, Guidelines For The Installation Of A Shipborne Automatic Identification System) or the  National Marine Electronics Association (NMEA -4.00), and, maintained in effective operating condition (per 33 CFR §164.46(d)). Failure to do so could subject one to civil penalties (46 U.S.C. ). Thus users are encouraged to routinely innspect their AIS using our USCG Inspection Checklist.

3. What is the AIS rule and are there alternatives to the rule for small businesses? The U.S. Coast Guard has developed rules applicable to both U.S. and foreign-flag vessels that require owners and operators of most commercial vessels operating on U.S. navigable waters to be outfitted with an Automatic Identification System (AIS). These rules are part of our domestic and international effort to increase the security and safety of maritime transportation. Initial AIS rules became effective on July 1st, (68 FR ) and were subsequently amended on January 30th, (80 FR ), so as to require that all vessels denoted 33 CFR § 164.46(d) be outfitted with a USCG type-approved [see Coast Guard Maritime Information Exchange (CGMIX) EQList Search, Select: Approval Series Name&#;Shipborne AIS] and properly installed operational AIS no later than March 1st, . There are no alternatives to this rule, however, many small business may meet the carriage requirement by purchasing a lower cost AIS Class B device in lieu of a Class A. See our Small Entity Compliance Guide to AIS and our AIS FAQ#4 below for further information.

4. Do AIS Class B devices meet current USCG AIS carriage requirements? What are the differences between AIS Class A devices and Class B devices? Yes, a select segment of mandatory AIS users (see 33 CFR § 164.46(b)(2)) can use a Coast Guard type-approved AIS Class B device in lieu of a Class A device&#;AIS Class A vs B comparison. Note, U.S. AIS carriage requirements can only be met by USCG type-approved equipment which displays a USCG 165.155/156 Approval Number.  A listing of all USCG type-approved equipment can be found at the Coast Guard Maritime Information Exchange (CGMIX) [EQList Search, Select: Approval Series Name--Shipborne AIS]. Voluntary AIS users may avail themselves of either a AIS Class A or B device, but, such a device must be FCC certified for its use in the United States. For a listing of FCC certified AIS equipment use the FCC OET Equipment Authorization Search Form [Select: Equipment Class--AIS).

5. How does AIS help to increase security (and what is NAIS)? Although AIS is primarily and foremost a navigation tool for collision avoidance, the Coast Guard believes that the AIS will improve security also. AIS and our Nationwide AIS Project (NAIS) increases the Coast Guard&#;s awareness of vessels in the maritime domain, especially vessels approaching U.S. ports. The AIS corroborates and provides identification and position of vessels not always possible through voice radio communication or radar alone.

6. When must AIS be in operation? Per 33 CFR 164.46(d), vessels required to have AIS must operate it in U.S. navigable waters (as defined in 33 CFR 2.36) at all times that the vessel is navigating (underway or at anchor) and at least 15 minutes prior to unmooring. Should continual operation of AIS compromise the safety or security of the vessel or where a security incident is imminent, the AIS may be switched off. This action and the reason for taking it must be reported to the nearest U.S. Captain of the Port or Vessel Traffic Center and recorded in the ship's logbook. The AIS should return to continuous operation as soon as the source of danger has been mitigated. Note, vessels equipped with AIS--either by mandatory carriage or voluntarily--must abide by the requirements set forth in 33 CFR 164.46 which state an AIS must be: properly installed, use an officially assigned MMSI, that its data be accessible from the primary operating position of the vessel, and, always be in effective operating condition; which entails the continuous operation of AIS and the accurate input (see USCG AIS Encoding Guide) and upkeep of all AIS data parameters. Although Coast Guard AIS authority (46 USC ) does not extend beyond U.S. navigable waters or to all voluntary users, mariners are reminded that Navigation Rule 7 requires that every vessel use all available means to determine risk of collision. AIS is one of the most effective means currently available, particularly when coupled with radar and sight, to not only determine the risk of, but, also mitigate collisions. Thus the Coast Guard exhorts all AIS users to maintain their AIS in effective operation, at all times.

7. Does the installation of the AIS require additional equipment in order for the AIS to operate properly? No, however, Chapter V, Regulation 19 of the Safety of Life at Sea Convention (SOLAS), as stated in 33 CFR § 164.46(d)(2), does require certain vessels on international voyage to interface it to other existing onboard equipment (i.e. transmitting heading device, gyro, rate of turn indicator); domestic vessels, are not currently required to do so, however it is highly recommended.

8. Will it be necessary to have electronic navigational charts for use with the AIS? Eventually. Section 410 of the Coast Guard and Marine Transportation Act of (P.L.108-293, H.R. Rpt. 108-617) directs the Coast Guard to prescribe regulations that will require most commercial vessels "while operating on the navigable waters of the United equipped with and operate an electronic charts"; and that AIS be integrated with the chart display. A rulemaking implementing this additional requirement is in development. Till these regulations are finalized, AIS is not required to be displayed on an ECS or other external display system; although it is highly recommended. The full benefits of AIS are only achieved when it is fully integrated and displayed on other shipboard navigation systems (e.g. Electronic Charts Data & Information System (ECDIS), Electronic Chart Systems (ECS), Radar, Automatic Radar Plotting Aide (ARPA), Tracking Devices, personal software, etc.).

9. Are fishing vessels subject to AIS carriage, and, are onboard Vessel Monitoring Systems (VMS) an acceptable substitute for AIS? Yes and no. Commercial self-propelled fishing vessels of 65 feet or more in length are subject to AIS carriage requirements; see 33 CFR 164.46(b). Per 33 CFR § 164.46(b)(2), fishing industry vessels (i.e. fishing processors, tenders, and vessels as defined in 46 U.S.C. ) may use lower-cost AIS Class B units in lieu of Class A devices. However, a NOAA Vessel Monitoring Systems (VMS) are not an acceptable substitute for AIS because they are not inter-operable or compatible. Each uses different communication systems, protocols, reporting rates, and, most importantly VMS does not, nor is it designed to, mitigate collisions or enhance users&#; situational awareness. Read more...

10. Why have some AIS units stopped broadcasting valid position reports? On February 27th, the GPS constellation increased to 32 satellites (PRN 32) thus providing a 5% increase in satellite availability and DOP (dilution of precision) world-wide. It has come to our attention that some (non-USCG type approved) AIS units-particularly old equipment which is non-compliant with the GPS interface standard (IS-GPS-200)-cannot recognize this additional satellite and subsequently are unable to calculate a position and broadcast a valid AIS Position Report. Note, the reported malfunctioning units do continue to receive position reports and are able to send and receive AIS text messages. Owners of AIS equipment denoted here, however, should be aware that their internal GPS systems may not act as a proper-timing or position-back-up under certain circumstances, i.e. when in view of PRN32. AIS users must ensure their units have or are interfaced with a properly operating Electronic Position Fixing System at all times. GPS and/or AIS problems should be reported via the NAVCEN website or via to the USCG Navigation Information Service at 1-703-313-.

11. Why am I unable to see an AIS vessels' name or other static information (dimensions, call sign, etc.)? Shipboard AIS units autonomously broadcast two different AIS messages: a 'position report' which includes the vessels dynamic data (e.g. latitude, longitude, position accuracy, time, course, speed, navigation status); and, a 'static and voyage related report' which includes data particular to the vessel (e.g. name, dimensions, type) and regarding its voyage (e.g. static draft, destination, and ETA). Position reports are broadcasted very frequently (between 2-10 seconds-depending on the vessels speed-or every 3 minutes if at anchor), while static and voyage related reports are sent every six minutes; thus it is common and likely that an AIS user will receive numerous position reports from a vessel prior to receipt of the vessel's name and type, etc. Note, the U.S. Coast Guard operates a Vessel Information Verification Service which can be used to not only verify that an AIS has broadcasted, but, will also provide certain AIS static data (i.e. MMSI, name, call-sign, IMO number, vessel type, draft, dimensions, and positioning source) and highlight any potential data or encoding discrepancies (contrary to our USCG AIS Encoding Guidance) the vessel may have.

12. Why do I sometimes see more than one vessel with the same MMSI or vessel name (i.e. NAUT)? AIS users are required to operate their unit with a valid MMSI, unfortunately, some users neglect to do so (for example, use: , , , their U.S. documentation number, etc). A valid MMSI will start with a digit from 2 to 7, a U.S. assigned MMSI will start with either 338, 366, 367, 368, or 369. AIS users whom encounter a vessel using MMSI: or named: NAUT should notify the user that their AIS unit is broadcasting improper data; see Nauticast AIS-MMSI Technical Bulletin for further information. All AIS users should check the accuracy of their AIS data prior to each voyage, and, particularly units that have been shutdown for any period of time. NOTE: If you are receiving (in range of) AIS reports from vessels using the same MMSI, they will appear as one vessel (jumping from position-to-position or line-to-line) on a graphical screen (e.g. ECS, ECDIS, radar) or on the AIS Minimal Keyboard Device (MKD). Note, the U.S. Coast Guard operates a Vessel Information Verification Service which can be used to not only verify that an AIS has broadcasted, but, will also provide certain AIS static data (i.e. MMSI, name, call-sign, IMO number, vessel type, draft, dimensions, and positioning source) and highlight any potential data or encoding discrepancies (contrary to our USCG AIS Encoding Guidance) the vessel may have.

13. Does LED lighting affect AIS? Yes, LED lighting may interfere with your AIS and other VHF radios. See our USCG Safety Alert 13-18 for further information and how to test whether they do.

14. What are the differences between AIS Class A and B devices? See a comparison of AIS Class A and Class B devices here.

15. Is the USCG considering expanding AIS carriage to other vessels or outside of VTS areas? Notwithstanding that the Coast Guard strongly encourages the use of AIS, we have no plans to expand AIS carriage beyond our current regulation, 33 CFR 164 (68 FR as amended by 80 FR as published, 80 FR as corrected, 80 FR effective date), which required AIS carriage and it&#;s use on most commercial self-propelled vessels operating on U.S. navigable waters as mandated by the AIS requirements of Regulation V/19.2.4 of the Safety of Life at Sea Convention and Sec. 102 of the Maritime Transportation Security Act of (46 U.S.C. ). Comments submitted, supporting documents, and the regulatory analysis to this and our proposed rulemaking (73 FR ) can be found at [Search: USCG--]. See printer-friendly PDF formats of these requirements, our proposed rule, an amalgamation of both, our requirements (68 FR ), and, a chart-comparison of all three.

16. How can I get a copy of an AIS presentation I saw or heard about?

Presentations given by the Coast Guard Office of Navigation Systems:

17. Where can I get AIS data? Local, state and federal government agencies can request real-time or historical U.S. Coast Guard Nationwide AIS (NAIS) data on our NAIS Data Request page. Some NAIS historical data is also publically available at Although, the U.S. Coast Guard does not make our NAIS data readily available to the general public or to commercial purveyors, we do operate a Vessel Information Verification Service which can be used to obtain certain AIS static data (i.e. MMSI, name, call-sign, IMO number, vessel type, draft, dimensions, and positioning source), and highlights any potential data or encoding discrepancies (contrary to our USCG AIS Encoding Guidance), of vessels in the NAIS database.

18. Can I use AIS to mark nets, pots, traps, moorings, offshore platforms, rigs, or as a race marks, etc.? There are no outright prohibitions to use AIS (i.e. AIS AtoN) as a marker (see Types of AIS and IALA Recommendation &#; Mobile Marine Aids to Navigation). However, it is not permissible to do so with equipment intended for use on vessels, (i.e. AIS Class A or B devices), for lifesaving (i.e. AIS SART, MOB AIS, EPIRB AIS), or with devices that are not FCC certified and licensed. See 47 CFR §§ 2.803, 2.805, 2.301, and 80.13 regarding licensing, station identity, and the prohibition to sell, market, or use radio devices that are not FCC authorized (search, Equipment Class: AIS). Also, see FCC Enforcement Advisory Public Notice DA-18-.

19. What is AIS Channel Management? One of the lesser known and potent features of AIS is its ability to operate on multiple channels of the VHF-FM marine band. This frequency agility ensures AIS can be used even when the default channels are otherwise unavailable or compromised. In such conditions, competent authorities, such as the Coast Guard, can use an AIS base station to tele-command shipborne AIS devices to other more appropriate channels when within a defined region(s) of 200 to square nautical miles. This can be done automatically (and without user intervention) by receipt of the AIS channel management message (AIS message 22) or manually entered via the AIS Minimal Keyboard Display (MKD) or similar input device. Once commanded or inputted the channels management information will stay in memory for 5 weeks or until a vessel exceed 500 nautical miles from the defined region. AIS channel management commands can only be automatically overridden via another channel management message for the same defined region or manually overridden or erased by the user via the unit&#;s channel (regional frequencies) management function&#;read more. Note, reinitializing or resetting your AIS or transmission channels will not necessarily reprogram your unit back to default channels.

20. Can I use AIS in an emergency or for distress messaging? Although not prohibited (see 33 CFR § 164.46(d)(3)), be aware that AIS safety related text messages nor AIS locating devices (i.e. AIS MOB devices)are not currently monitored or acted upon as Global Maritime Distress Safety Systems (GMDSS) alert messages by the Coast Guard Rescue 21 or other maritime search and rescue authorities or systems. Therefore, AIS should not be relied upon as the primary means for broadcasting distress or urgent communications, nor used in lieu of GMDSS devices such as Digital Selective Calling (DSC) radios which are designed to process distress messaging. Nonetheless, AIS remains an effective means to augment GMDSS and provides the added benefit of being seen by other AIS users and USCG assets within AIS radio range, in addition to being heard via AIS text messaging. For further guidance, see USCG Safety Alert 5-10. Also, see the International Maritime Organization&#;s (COMSAR) Circular 46, Use Of AIS Safety-Related Messaging In Distress Situations.

Consumers interested in Man Overboard (MOB) or Personal Locating Beacon (PLB) devices should pay particular attention to their mode of operation, i.e. sole DSC distress alerting, sole AIS transmitters, dual AIS-DSC, or as private network devices. Owners of any AIS locating or DSC alerting devices should ensure they are well maintained, at the ready, and, stored or fitted in such a manner that mitigates their accidental activation. Inadvertent activations should be reported immediately to the pertinent Coast Guard District or Regional Command Center.

21. What are AIS Aton and AIS Aids to Navigation Reports? AIS Aids to Navigation (Aton) Stations are shore or mobile AIS stations, identified by a 99yyyxxxx MMSI, which report (AIS message 21) the location and status of an aid to navigation (ATON). Which can be done from the ATON it resides on or from elsewhere, i.e. ashore from another nearby ATON. They can also produce virtual, electronic ATON, which do not exist physically, but which can be portrayed on navigational displays (i.e. radar, ECDIS, INS) that our AIS-capable (i.e. IEC complaint). These stations can also broadcast other pertinent marine safety information, e.g., environmental data, tidal information, navigation or hazardous warnings via Application Specific Messages (message 6/8).

The U.S. Coast Guard and some other approved entities (i.e., U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration, Marine Exchange of Alaska, etc.) have been transmitting AIS ATON Reports and marine safety information via AIS since (see our Special Notice 01-). The exact content, location, and times of these transmissions are announced in the Coast Guard Local Notices to Mariners (LNM) and denoted in Coast Guard Light List.

Note, AIS ATON stations operated in the U.S., other than by the U.S. Coast Guard, require Federal Communications Commission (FCC) or National Telecommunication Information Agency (NTIA) radio type-certification and proper licensing, which they will not grant without prior consultation with the U.S. Coast Guard. Requests for approvals to use AIS as or on a Private ATON may be directed to  , and must include either a CG Form or  following these instructions. For a listing of FCC type-certified AIS ATON devices, search Equipment Class--AIS at FCC OET Equipment Authorization Search Form.

For further information on AIS ATON and their uses, please refer to the various IALA Guidelines and Recommendations (i.e., G, Establishment of AIS as an AtoN).

22. Can AIS be hacked or spoofed? What should I do if I encounter ghost AIS targets? AIS devices do not inherently have virus or malware protection, so cyber security best practices against hacking should be adhered to if you connect your AIS to a network or update it using removable electronic devices (e.g. USB drives). AIS by design, is an open, non-proprietary, unencrypted, unprotected radio system, intended to operate on non-secure VHF-FM channels. So technically it can be spoofed&#;so trust, but, verify. Should you encounter ghost or fake AIS targets, please report them to us using our AIS Problem Report.

AIS users are reminded of Navigation Rule 7 which, amongst other things, states that every vessel should use all available means appropriate to the prevailing circumstances and conditions to determine if risk of collision exists. AIS while an invaluable situational tool, it should never be solely relied upon for collision avoidance or navigational decision-making.

23. Have an AIS question not answered here? Please contact us.

Aids to Navigation

Aids to Navigation

Navigation Aid Basics

Unlike the roads and highways that we drive on, the waterways we go boating on do not have road signs that tell us our location, the route or distance to a destination, or of hazards along the way. Instead, the waterways have AIDS TO NAVIGATION (or ATONs), which are all of those man-made objects used by mariners to determine position or a safe course.

These aids also assist mariners in making a safe landfall, mark isolated dangers, enable pilots to follow channels, and provide a continuous chain of charted marks for precise piloting in coastal waters. The U.S. Aids to Navigation System is intended for use with nautical charts, which provide valuable information regarding water depths, hazards, and other features that you will not find in an atlas or road map.

The term "aids to navigation" includes buoys, day beacons, lights, lightships, radio beacons, fog signals, marks and other devices used to provide "street" signs on the water. Aids To Navigation include all the visible, audible and electronic symbols that are established by government and private authorities for piloting purposes.

The Coast Guard is the agency responsible for maintaining aids to navigation on U.S. waters that are under federal jurisdiction or that serve the needs of the U.S. armed forces. On bodies of water wholly within the boundaries of a single state, and not navigable to the sea, the Coast Guard grants the state responsibility for establishing and maintaining aids to navigation. The U.S. Corps of Engineers is responsible for many of the canals, dams, locks, and other man-made waterways in the country. The Corps also is responsible for the regulation of mooring buoys in all navigable U.S. Waters.

The individual Coast Guard districts also may grant permission to private groups and citizens to place "Private" Aids to Navigation. These aids allow individuals or organizations the ability to mark privately maintained channels, zones or waterways. These aids must be pre-approved, and must be maintained by the individual or organization.

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Types of Aids to Navigation

The term "aids to navigation" encompasses a wide range of floating and fixed objects (fixed meaning attached to the bottom or shore), and consist primarily of:

  • Buoys - floating objects that are anchored to the bottom. Their distinctive shapes and colors indicate their purpose and how to navigate around them.
  • Beacons - structures that are permanently fixed to the sea-bed or land. They range from structures such as light houses, to single-pile poles. Most beacons have lateral or non-lateral aids attached to them. Lighted beacons are called "LIGHTS", unlighted beacons are "DAYBEACONS".

Both Buoys and Beacons may have lights attached, and may have a sound making device such as a gong, bell or horn. Both Buoys and Beacons may be called "marks".

Caution: Do not count on floating aids to always maintain their precise charted positions, or unerringly display their characteristics. The Coast Guard works constantly to keep aids on station and functioning properly, but obstacles to perfect performance are so great that complete reliability is impossible. Only use floating aids for use as a navigation fix when you cannot see a fixed point of reference.

Aids to Navigation Systems

Depending on where you boat in America, you may see several differences in how navigational marks are colored, numbered, or lighted. Regardless of the location, buoys and beacons are placed in very specific locations, to mark either a particular side of a waterway, or some other navigational feature. The primary system in use is referred to the "U.S. Aids to Navigation System". The U. S. Coast Guard maintains this system in conformance to the International Association of Lighthouse Authorities (IALA), which is an international committee which seeks to ensure safe navigation, primarily through the use of common navigation aids and signals.

The "LATERAL" system is the familiar RED RIGHT RETURNING system, meaning that on all navigable waters returning from sea, the red even-numbered marks are on the starboard (right) side of the channel and the green odd-numbered marks are on the port (left) side of the channel. Numbers on the marks ascend when traveling from sea to harbor--if you don't have a compass and become disoriented on the water, you will always know you are heading upstream if the buoy numbers get larger as you travel.

Port Side Odd Numbered Aids

Port side numbered aids are green in color, odd numbered and may be lighted. Port side marks are located on the left side of the waterway as you travel upstream, and the buoy numbers will increase as you head upstream. (Chart depictions are shown next to the marks) Port-Side Buoys have a cylindrical above-water appearance, like a can or drum floating on its axis. Commonly referred to as "CAN" buoys. Beacons - Port side beacons have square marks attached to them, with two shades of color and a reflective border.

Starboard Side Even Numbered Aids

Starboard aids are red in color, evenly numbered and will be on your right side as you travel upstream. Buoy numbers increase as you head upstream, and may have a red light. Starboard-side buoys have an above-water appearance like that of a cylinder topped with a cone, pointed end up. The cone may come to a point or be slightly rounded. Commonly referred to as "NUN" buoys. Starboard-side Beacons have triangular marks attached to them, with two shades of color and a reflective border.

Intracoastal Waterway

For the sea buoys that delineate channels off the coast of the United States, and for the Intracoastal Waterway (ICW), red is on the right (shore side) when proceeding clockwise around the U. S. from the East Coast to the Gulf Coast, or proceeding north along the West Coast.

ICW marks are further identified by a small yellow reflector at the bottom of the mark. The same port and starboard marks shown above will look like the following.

Numbers on the marks ascend when traveling in this direction. Where the IALA-B and ICW marks meet, one must be very careful to observe the change in meaning by referral to local charts.

Other Aids - Marks


These diamond shaped marks are used to help the vessel operator determine location on a nautical map. When you see a dayboard, and find the corresponding mark on the chart, you know your precise location. They may be lettered, and may be lighted with a white light. Their color reflects that of nearby lateral marks.

Safe Water Marks

These marks are used to mark fairways, mid-channels, and offshore approach points. They have unobstructed water on all sides. These marks may be lettered, and may be lighted with a white light. They may also have a red top mark.

Isolated Danger Marks

These indicate a danger which may be passed on all sides. They are erected on, or moored on or near danger. They should not be approached closely without special caution. They may be lighted, and they may be lettered.

Special Marks

Special marks have no lateral significance (meaning they don't tell you which side of the channel or river you may be on). These marks are used to mark a special feature or area. These include area limits for anchorages, fishing grounds, or dredging/spoil areas. These buoys may be lighted, and if they are it will be a fixed or flashing yellow light. Shape is optional, but usually follows the shape of the navigation buoys that it is positioned near.

Other Aids - Miscellaneous

Mooring Bouys

Mooring buoys come in two different shapes; spherical and cylindrical. Both have white bodies with a solid blue horizontal band on the center of the buoy. Mooring buoys may have a white reflector, or a white light attached to them. Mooring buoys are the ONLY buoys to which you may legally tie your boat. Buoys are generally placed in marked anchorage areas, and you must take caution if you are traveling near buoy areas. Check your state boating guide for particular operating restrictions in anchorage areas.


These are pairs of unlighted or lighted fixed aids that when observed in line show the pilot to be on the centerline of a channel.

Regulatory Marks

Regulatory Marks re designed to assist boaters by informing them of special restrictions or dangers that they are approaching. Regulatory marks are white "can" buoys that have an orange shape on them. The mark will give either a warning or instructions on how to proceed. The shape determines what type of mark it is.

  • An open diamond shape signifies danger.
  • A diamond with a cross in it signifies an exclusion area that you may not enter.
  • A circle indicates an upcoming operating restriction, such as a speed limit.
  • A square or rectangular shape is used for conveying instructions.

Uniform State Waterway Marking System

This system was originally intended for use by states on lakes and inland waterways that weren&#;t covered by nautical charts. The buoys used in the Uniform State Waterway Marking System (USWMS) used colors, shapes and marking patterns that differed greatly from the U.S. Aids to Navigation System (ATONS).

In , the U.S. Coast Guard decided to phase out the USWMS to avoid potential confusion of boaters and instead, favored using the more widely recognized ATONS. By , the USWMS was completely phased out. Below are a few of the differences from the federal system you should know about.

Here's a summary of the important changes regarding the phase out of USWMS:

  • The old USWMS black port side channel markers are now GREEN can buoys.
  • The old USWMS red starboard side channel markers are now red NUN buoys.
  • The old USWMS red and white vertically striped buoys have been replaced by one of the following: a red or green channel marker directing safe passage, an orange and white regulatory marker, or a red and black isolated danger marker.
  • The old USWMS white buoys topped with black or red bands, have been replaced by one of the following: a red or green channel marker directing safe passage, an orange and white regulatory marker, or a red and black isolated danger marker.

Lateral Aids

The state system differs in several ways, in case you happen to encounter them. These aids also assist mariners in making a safe landfall, mark isolated dangers, enable pilots to follow channels, and provide a continuous chain of charted marks for precise piloting in coastal waters. The U.S. Aids to Navigation System is intended for use with nautical charts, which provide valuable information regarding water depths, hazards, and other features that you will not find in an atlas or road map.

  • Buoys are placed in pairs, and you pass between them.
  • State buoys do use the color red for starboard side marks, but they are cans, and not nuns, while port buoys are black and can-shaped.
  • Numbers on buoys go up as you head upstream, or towards the head of navigation.
  • Portside buoys use the color black instead of green.
  • Portside buoys are numbered with odd numbers.
  • Portside buoys may show a green reflector or light.
  • Starboard side buoys are red.
  • Starboard side buoys are numbered with even numbers.
  • Starboard side buoys may show a red reflector or light.

Other State Aids

Red-topped White Buoys

  • Signify that you may pass south or west of buoy
  • May be numbered
  • May show a white reflector or light

Black-striped white Buoys - Inland Waters Obstruction Mark

  • Signify that you should not pass between mark and nearest shore
  • May be lettered
  • May show white reflector or light
  • Replaces the old red and white vertically striped buoy

Black-topped White Buoys

If you want to learn more, please visit our website Marine Aids to Navigation Solutions.

  • Signify that you may pass east or north of buoy
  • May be nubered
  • May show white reflector or light




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