The impact of walkers on children

Author: Hou

Feb. 19, 2024

As a baby walker that has been very popular since its launch, the original purpose of invention is to help children learn to walk as soon as possible. However, some experts point out that the use of walkers is often a "spurring", which is not only harmful to the normal growth and development of children, but also causes many accidental injuries to children during their use. Some countries, such as Canada, have even banned the sale of walkers. So what exactly are the effects of walkers on children?

The impact of baby walkers on children

As early as 2004, the Canadian federal government banned the import and sale of walkers across the country on the grounds that they can only help children stand but cannot help children learn to walk. Furthermore, children who use a walker can use the walker to slide wherever they want to go in the home, which greatly increases the chance of injury due to contact with harmful and dangerous items (such as sockets, toxic substances, kettles). Relevant data also show that between 1990 and 1992, hospitals in the Ottawa region of Canada alone received more than 400 reports of accidental injuries to children under 18 months old when using walkers.

In Japanese stores, sales of walkers have been declining, and fewer and fewer are being sold. This is related to parents increasingly agreeing that walkers have a bad impact on their children. A Japanese pediatrician said that since the baby's legs and feet are not fully developed, practicing crawling on the original floor can exercise the arms, waist, legs and even the whole body. However, due to the use of walkers, children are unable to understand the feeling of walking, which delays the learning of walking skills. The child should be allowed to learn how to adapt and adjust his body through falling down again and again to prevent himself from falling, but he lost this exercise opportunity when using a walker. The result is that when the baby initially masters walking skills, The injury was more serious during the fall.

Customized Baby Walker.webp

What size baby is suitable for a walker?

What age is a walker suitable for? Generally speaking, it is for babies from 9 months to 18 months. In about seven or eight months, babies have learned the ability to crawl, sit upright, and stand against a wall. Mothers should not be too impatient and let their children sit in a baby walker for outside too early, because the baby's lower limbs are temporarily unable to support the strength of the whole body, and almost all of the body's load is concentrated on the seat. The baby is equivalent to sitting in a walker. Children who are too young and learn to sit too early may easily develop scoliosis or hunchback due to their immature spine and underdeveloped back.

Using a walker too early will cause the baby's legs to bend inward or outward due to the gravity of the upper body, forming "X"-shaped legs or "O"-shaped legs like rickets over time. The upper limbs play a key role in maintaining the body's balance during the baby's toddler period. Letting the baby sit in a walker like a "roly-poly" not only limits the child's upper limb mobility, but also affects the normal development of the upper limbs.

When the baby reaches 7-8 months old and can sit on his own, the child can gradually start to practice sitting on a walker, and the time should not be too long each time. When the baby can take a few steps alone without relying on objects, it is not appropriate to let the child sit in a walker, so as not to affect the development of the body. Mothers must realize that a walker is just a means of transportation. If the baby wants to truly learn to walk, it must rely on its own efforts. It must be done step by step and not be too anxious.

Things to note when using a walker

In recent years, there have been frequent reports of injuries to children caused by the use of walkers. Mothers should pay attention to the following points if they really want to use walkers for their children:

1. Do not use a walker too early: According to scientific research, it is best for babies to use a walker after nine months. Using it too early will disrupt the baby's natural growth and development, causing the child's insufficient coordination of the body and causing the child to suffer from "sensory integration disorder", which will lead to introversion, uncoordinated hands and feet, easy falling, poor balance and other problems. In addition, short walking and splayed legs are also related to early and frequent use of learner driving.

2. Choose a regular and guaranteed baby walker: Generally speaking, the baby walkers produced by regular manufacturers are more in line with the "Safety Requirements for Baby Walkers". The baby walkers do not have exposed pipes, speed regulators and other possible pinch injuries. Protrusions for children; the height should be moderate and the components should be strong; the walker should be equipped with a strap and the width should not be less than 35 mm. Parents can refer to these standards when choosing a walker for their children.

3. When using a walker, parents must be accompanied and cared for to avoid accidents and parents can provide timely rescue.

4. Regulations on the baby walker environment: The place where the baby practices the baby walker should be away from power sources, fire sources, etc., and the space should be as wide as possible, without too much accumulation, and the furniture should be as hard and angular as possible. take away.

5. Requirements for babies: It is not recommended for babies over 18 months old, and children with congenital rickets should also avoid it. In addition, children who are more active, have poor tempers, and are prone to crying are not suitable for using walkers.




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