Detecting Power Quality Issues and (How to Make Them ...

Author: Morgan

Dec. 23, 2024

Measurement Instruments

Detecting Power Quality Issues and (How to Make Them ...

Poor power quality comes at a cost. Monetary cost can come from power losses, but damaged assets could cost even more, including potential losses due to down time of a manufacturing process. Assets damaged by power quality events that cause increased heat will certainly shorten equipment life. To the untrained eye, problems in electrical distribution systems may not be recognizable as power quality problems. Knowing and recognizing the most common power quality symptoms and how to troubleshoot them is a first step in solving power quality issues.

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A Fluke Three-Phase Power Quality Analyzer in use. Power quality analyzers are one of the necessary types of tools for troubleshooting power quality problems.

What tools do you need for the job?

As with any troubleshooting task, you need the right tools. For power quality issues, those include knowledge and the right electrical test tools.

But first, you need a good set of up-to-date one-line diagrams of your facility. The one-line diagram identifies AC power sources, the loads they serve, and their ratings. It serves as your electrical road map to the facility and a guide for power quality studies.

Once you&#;ve identified the assets to check, use a power quality analyzer to measure and record the specific parameters associated with power quality. Other tools, such as a data logger, thermal imager, infrared thermometer, and recording digital multimeter, can also aid in troubleshooting.

What kinds of power quality problems will you find?

Common power quality problems are grouped into two broad areas: voltage anomalies and harmonic distortion issues. Voltage anomalies can cause several problems, many easily corrected. The key is to spot the symptoms.

Voltage dips or sags

Voltage dips or sags are responsible for up to 80 percent of all power quality issues. A dip or sag occurs when the system voltage drops to 90 percent or less of nominal system voltage for a half-cycle to one minute. Common symptoms of dips include incandescent lights dimming if the dip lasts more than three cycles, computer lockup, spurious shutdown of sensitive electronic equipment, data (memory) loss on programmable controls, and relay control problems.

Detecting sags can be challenging because it's difficult to predict when they will occur. To troubleshoot potential dip problems, begin by monitoring at the load where the dip symptoms first occur. Generally, an upstream event will be indicated by a drop in both voltage and current. A downstream or load dip in voltage would be indicated by an increased in current and a drop in voltage. Compare the time of the equipment's operational failure to the time at which the voltage dip occurred; if there is not a correlation, the problem is most likely not voltage dip. Continue troubleshooting by monitoring farther upstream until the source is located. You can use the MIN/MAX function of a high-quality digital multimeter to detect single worst-case sags of 100 milliseconds or more while energizing the load. For suspected recurring dips, use the &#;Dips and Swells&#; trending feature on a high-performance power quality analyzer.

If you need to "document" power quality events for a longer duration, event recorders are available that can record dips, swells, interruptions, transients, and frequency deviations for several weeks.

Correct wiring and/or loading issues first. When your plant is in order, then you can pursue other sag-mitigating solutions, such as voltage regulators and constant voltage transformers.

Voltage swells or surges

Voltage swells or surges occur only about half as often as dips. However, increases in system voltage for short periods up to a cycle or more can cause problems. As with all power quality problems, you must monitor parameters for a period of time, then observe and interpret.

Symptoms of swells often include immediate failure of equipment, typically the power supply section of electronics. However, some equipment failures may not occur immediately, because voltage swells can occur over a period of time and prematurely break down components. If analysis of electronic equipment reveals faulty power supplies, monitor voltage trends on the feeders and branch circuits feeding this equipment. Where possible, compare failure rates of similar equipment operating on portions of systems known not to be experiencing swells.

When analyzing power quality survey results, look for any sudden line-to-ground faults on a single-phase line. This type of fault causes the voltage to suddenly swell on the two non-faulted phases. Large plant loads suddenly dropping offline, and power factor correction capacitor switching, can also cause voltage swells.

Voltage transients

Voltage transients can cause symptoms ranging from computer lockups and damaged electronic equipment to flashover as well as damaged insulation on distribution equipment and motors.

Transients, sometimes referred to as spikes, are substantial increases in voltage&#;but only for a matter of microseconds. Lightning strikes and mechanical switching are common causes. Equipment failure during a storm is often rightfully attributed to transients and no power quality monitoring is performed.

Other causes of transients include switching of capacitors or capacitor banks, reenergizing systems after a power failure, switching of motor loads, turning off or on fluorescent and HID lighting loads, switching transformers, and sudden stoppage of certain equipment. For these transient conditions, monitor at the load and correlate equipment operational problems or failure with distribution system events.

Normal arcing across contacts by interrupting large loads can be a cause of transients. Use the facility one-line to move the monitoring farther upstream in the distribution system until you find the source.

Voltage interruptions

Voltage interruptions can last anywhere from two to five seconds or more. The symptom is usually quite simple: the equipment stops operating. Interruptions for longer than five seconds are typically referred to as sustained interruptions. Most motor control circuits, and process control systems are not designed to restart even after a brief interruption of power.

If a voltage interruption occurs when equipment is unattended, the cause of the equipment shutdown might not be properly identified. Only monitoring equipment and correlating the time of any power interruptions to the time of equipment issues will help identify voltage interruptions.

The Fluke Three-Phase Power Quality Recorder is one of the tools that can be used to help detect voltage unbalance. In reality, voltage differences between phases vary as loads operate. However, motor or transformer overheating, or excessive noise or vibration, can merit troubleshooting for voltage unbalance.

Voltage unbalance

Voltage unbalance is one of the most common problems on three phase systems, and can result in severe equipment damage, yet it is often overlooked. For example, a voltage unbalance of 2.3 percent on a 230 V motor results in a current unbalance of almost 18 percent, causing a temperature rise of 30 °C. While a digital multimeter (DMM) and some quick calculations can be used for averaging voltage readings, a power quality analyzer provides the most accurate information about unbalance.

Unbalance can occur at any point throughout the distribution system. Loads should be equally divided across each phase of a panelboard. Should one phase become too heavily loaded in comparison to others, voltage will be lower on that phase. Transformers and three-phase motors fed from that panel may run hotter, be unusually noisy, vibrate excessively, and even suffer premature failure.

Monitoring over time is the key to capturing unbalance. Accurate, real-time unbalance measurements need a three-phase power quality analyzer to identify the problems. In a three-phase system, the maximum variation in voltage between phases should be no more than 2 percent (the Vneg % value on the analyzer), or significant equipment damage can occur.


Harmonics are voltages and currents whose frequency is said to be an integer multiple of the fundamental frequency. For example, the third harmonic is the voltage or current that is occurring at 180 Hertz (Hz) in a 60 Hz system (3 x 60 Hz = 180 Hz). These unwanted frequencies cause numerous symptoms, including overheating in neutral conductors and the transformers supplying these circuits. Reverse torque creates heat and efficiency losses in motors.

When each harmonic is identified and compared to the fundamental 60 Hz frequency in this case, you can make decisions about the severity of each harmonic that appears in the system. Utilizing a power quality analyzer allows electricians and engineers the ability to view these harmonic frequencies individually for each phase.

The most severe symptoms created by harmonics are typically the result of the harmonics distorting the fundamental 60 Hz sine wave found in facilities. This sine wave distortion results in improper operation of electronic equipment, spurious alarms, data losses, and what are often reported as "mysterious" problems.

When symptoms of harmonics occur, troubleshoot by observing total harmonic distortion (THD). Measure harmonics at the point of common coupling using a power quality analyzer. Significant increase in THD under varying load conditions warrants a percentage comparison of each individual harmonic current level as compared to the total fundamental current flow in the system. Knowing the effects created by each harmonic current and comparing them to identified symptoms will aid in troubleshooting. The source of the harmonic must then be isolated and corrected.

Power Quality Problems

Voltage problems and the creation of harmonic currents are the two broad areas under which power quality problems occur. Dips and swells, voltage transients, power interruptions, and voltage unbalance all can be monitored, analyzed, and compared to equipment operation histories to determine the cause and severity of the power quality problem. The same can be done with the various harmonic currents in a system.

It&#;s also important to keep in mind power quality issues are frequently interrelated. Address power quality problems from an entire plant approach without losing focus on how they affect individual loads. Sometimes fixing one power quality problem can make another problem worse. Looking at the big picture by using a three-phase power quality analyzer enables you to correct the causes of power quality issues, and not just doctor the symptoms.

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Power Quality Analysis Procedure: 4 Must-Know Tips

Investigate and analyze power quality issues

Steady, high-quality power supply is not only about availability, but also about power quality. However, identifying the root causes of power quality issues&#;ranging from harmonic distortions and voltage fluctuations to the effects of lightning strikes and equipment failures&#;can be a complex challenge. These disturbances, often invisible to the naked eye, can lead to equipment malfunctions, operational downtime, and even safety hazards. Conducting a thorough power quality survey is the first step towards analyzing and mitigating these issues, thereby enhancing the overall performance of electrical systems.

For more information, please visit Power Quality Meter.

This article provides useful tips and gists for conducting power quality surveys and analysis and identifying power quality problems. Whether you are a facility manager, an electrical engineer, or simply interested in electrical system optimization, these guidelines will serve as an essential tool in your efforts to ensure a stable and high-quality power supply.

Before Getting Started

Preparation is Key

Before diving into the measurements for a power quality survey, gathering detailed information about the site is essential. This foundational knowledge allows for a more accurate assessment and identification of potential improvement areas.

The following information must be collected.

Circuit wiring
  • Determine if the site operates on 3-phase or single-phase power.
  • Check for the presence of a neutral line.
  • Identify any mixed circuit wiring, such as 3-phase circuits divided into single phases.
  • Nominal supply voltage
  • Confirm the nominal supply voltage(s) &#; 110 V, 220 V, 440 V, etc.
  • Note if there are multiple power lines with different voltages, for instance, a higher voltage dedicated to the other A/C system.
  • Frequency
  • While most power supplies operate at 50 Hz or 60 Hz, exceptions exist. Specialized systems, like those in airplanes or ships, may operate at frequencies up to 400 Hz. It is crucial to verify the frequency of your power lines.
  • Current capacity
  • Grasping the current capacity within the system you're measuring is crucial. It aids in selecting the appropriate current sensors for the measurement, ultimately enhancing the accuracy and efficiency of your surveys.
  • Additional site information
  • Other information about the building, such as hours of operating key electronic equipment and what equipment has been added or removed, etc.
  • This comprehensive approach to pre-survey preparation ensures a thorough and effective power quality analysis, setting the stage for actionable insights and improvements.

    Steps to Analyzing Power Quality Issues

    Finding the root cause of power quality problems can be difficult. The following few tips can help with power quality measurements. Here are 4 tips to help you measure power quality.

    1. What?

    Understanding is the key to resolving troubleshooting caused by power quality problems. First, we need to know what type of trouble is occurring. A tip is to look for heat or unusual noises coming from the equipment.

    2. When?

    Next, it is necessary to know when the trouble occurred. Is it cyclical or intermittent? It is better if specific dates and times are known. If an event is recorded, the trouble could be caused by equipment that is running or restarting at that time of day. Knowing exactly what time the event occurred and when the trouble subsided will make it easier to determine which equipment or location caused the trouble.

    3. Where?

    The next step is to identify the measurement location. For example, if measurements are taken at a receptacle point, the trends in voltage and current may provide useful information. If both voltage and current are falling, the cause can be traced to outside the building. If the voltage is falling, it can be assumed that a short circuit or inrush current caused the problem inside the building. Simultaneous measurements at a number of locations can help identify the cause of the problem.

    4. What may be the cause?

    Finally, once the measurements have been completed, the root cause of the problem can be deduced. Sort power quality events by specific dates and times, and cross-reference them with site information such as equipment schedules and any recent changes in equipment (additions or removals). This approach can offer valuable clues to pinpoint the cause of issues.

    Measurement Tools for Power Quality Analysis

    For Measurement

    To measure power quality, a specialized power quality analyzer is used. Hioki offers two types of analyzers: the advanced type PQ and the standard type PQ. Table 1 gives an overview of the two types.

    Table 1: Overview of power quality analyzers

    Product modelPQPQ
    Standard compliance
    • Power quality: IEC -4-30 Class A, EN , IEEE
    • Harmonics: IEC -4-7, IEC -2-4 Class 3
    • Flicker: IEC -4-15
    • Power quality: IEC -4-30 Class S, EN , IEEE
    • Harmonics: IEC -4-7, IEC -2-4 Class 3
    • Flicker: IEC -4-15
    Fundamental frequencyDC/50 Hz/60 Hz/400 HzDC/50 Hz/60 HzEvent parametersTransient, swell, dip, interruption, frequency fluctuation, inrush current, THDAdvance event capture features for troubleshooting:
    • RMS values
    • Voltage/current waveform peak
    • Voltage waveform comparison
    • Harmonics
    • Unbalance factor
    • Power
    • Mains signaling voltage
    N/AAdvance transient measurement: 2MS/s, 6 kVStandard transient measurement: 200kS/s, 2.2 kVBasic harmonics measurement
  • Harmonics 0 to 50 for V & I
  • Detect the DC element on the AC circuit (0th order).
  • Advanced harmonics measurementHigh order harmonics (Supraharmonics) : 2 kHz to 80 kHzN/ABest forWhen it is necessary to investigate, diagnose and countermeasure power supply conditions that cause equipment malfunctions.Where a power survey needs to be conducted to determine the load size of the system or to determine the power quality of the system.

    For Analyzing

    Measuring instruments are only for recording data, while software is needed for analysis. Let me remind you that both are important. The data acquired by Hioki's power quality analyzer can be analysed using software called PQ ONE.

    Here are some useful features of PQ ONE in this area:

    • 1.

      Event statistics
    • 2.

      Event list
    • 3.

      Trend graphs and event details
    • 4.

      EN determination function

    1. Event statistics
    Displays event statistics by date or time. This function makes it easy to discover anomalies that occur at specific times of the day or on specific days of the week. Alternatively, anomalies occurring on specific days of the week can be easily detected

    2. Event list

    This feature allows you to view all captured events or filter them by specific occurrences, making it simpler to identify power anomalies based on duration and severity.

    3. Trend graphs and Event details
    Trend graphs give an overall picture of the measurement. Trend graphs make it easy to spot anomalies. Event details provide detailed information on the power quality events that occurred during the measurement. It provides details such as event magnitude, time, length and waveform shape. By analysing these data, clues to power quality problems can be found
    4. EN judgment function
    This function analyses the measurement data and judges whether or not it complies with the EN standard based on the voltage fluctuations in the trend section. Basically, it judges whether the power quality is good or not.

    PQ One software also offers a convenient way to generate reports automatically with just a few clicks.


    By clearly understanding what the true problem is, when and where it occurs, and the causes of those problems, you can take action to mitigate them and improve the power quality on your site. With Hioki&#;s power quality analyzer, you can diagnose even difficult-to-detect problems in power quality.Contact one of our experts today to find out more about how we can help you improve your production process.

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