What is the CAS number 3211 76 5?

Author: Friday

Dec. 01, 2023

Health & Medical

CAS numbers are unique identifiers assigned to substances that allow scientists and researchers to universally identify and retrieve information about specific chemical compounds. One such intriguing CAS number is 3211-76-5. In this blog post, we will embark on a journey to unravel the mystery behind this enigmatic CAS number, exploring its significance, properties, and potential applications in various scientific fields.

Decoding the CAS Number 3211-76-5.

CAS number 3211-76-5 refers to a chemical compound commonly known as 2,6-Dichlorophenol-indophenol sodium salt. Also known as DCPIP, this compound has fascinated chemists and researchers for many years due to its remarkable properties and potential applications across diverse scientific disciplines.

What is the CAS number 3211 76 5?

Properties and Applications.

2,6-Dichlorophenol-indophenol sodium salt is a blue dye often used in analytical chemistry. Its striking blue color makes it a popular choice as an indicator in various chemical and biological experiments. DCPIP exhibits strong antioxidant properties, making it an ideal reagent for studying oxidative reactions in biochemical assays.

One of the notable applications of DCPIP is its use in detecting the presence of vitamin C (ascorbic acid). Vitamin C, being a powerful reducing agent, can effectively reduce DCPIP from its blue colored form to a colorless state. This reaction provides researchers with a quantitative measure of vitamin C concentration in a given sample.

Moreover, DCPIP finds application in the pharmaceutical industry for assessing the antioxidant potential of various drugs and natural compounds. Its ability to easily undergo color changes based on oxidation-reduction reactions makes it a valuable tool in studying the efficacy of antioxidants in various formulations.

Biological Applications.

Outside the realm of chemical analysis, 2,6-Dichlorophenol-indophenol sodium salt is extensively used in biological experiments. Its ability to mimic the crucial coenzyme nicotinamide adenine dinucleotide (NAD+) makes it a highly sought-after compound in research areas such as enzyme kinetics and cellular respiration studies.

For example, DCPIP plays a vital role in measuring the rate of photosynthesis by monitoring the transfer of electrons during the light-dependent reactions. Its color change, which occurs upon receiving electrons from water molecules during the Photosystem II cycle, allows scientists to indirectly measure the efficiency of photosynthesis in plants.

Safety Considerations.

While DCPIP is widely used in laboratories and research institutions, it is important to exercise caution while handling this substance. Like any chemical compound, proper safety protocols must be followed to prevent potential hazards. Adhering to established safety guidelines ensures the wellbeing of researchers and maintains the integrity of scientific experiments.


CAS number 3211-76-5 assigns a unique identity to 2,6-Dichlorophenol-indophenol sodium salt, popularly known as DCPIP. This intriguing compound finds extensive use in analytical chemistry, pharmaceutical research, and biological experiments. Its ability to change colors based on electron transfer reactions makes it a valuable tool for studying the presence of antioxidants and measuring the rate of photosynthesis.

As scientists continue to delve into the realms of chemistry and biology, compounds like DCPIP play an essential role in advancing our understanding of the natural world. Their unique properties and potential applications make them indispensable in many scientific endeavors. With ongoing research and innovation, we can uncover even more fascinating uses for compounds like DCPIP, finding new ways to unlock the secrets of nature.

Disclaimer: The information provided in this blog post is for educational and informational purposes only. Always consult reliable sources and experts for accuracy and safety protocols when working with chemical compounds like DCPIP.

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