Sep. 02, 2024
You can also configure the order in which routes are started. Previously Camel started the routes in a non-deterministic order. Now you have fine-grained control in which order the routes should be started. There is a new attribute startupOrder which is an
Integer that states the order. Camel then sorts the routes before starting time. The routes with the lowest
startupOrder are started first and the ones with the highest are started last.
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AllstartupOrder defined must be unique among all routes in your CamelContext. Otherwise, if there are clashes in startupOrder numbers among routes, the routes will fail to start up throwing org.apache.camel.FailedToStartRouteException. Normally you should also use numbers that are lower than , as routes without an explicit startupOrder definition will have a number starting from auto assigned. So view numbers from upwards as reserved internally for Camel itself.
However, you can also utilise much higher numbers than (to avoid collisions with those auto assigned numbers) to specify the last routes to start up. Normally the usage of numbers starting from should be safe for the purpose.
In terms of the startupOrder there are no strict rules that it must start from 1 and increment by 1. You can for example use: 100, 200, 205, 89 if you like. Only rule of thumb is that the numbers must be unique.
Why do you want to control the starting order?
It can help in cases where routes are inter-dependent on each other and also help with graceful shutting down Camel as Camel can stop the routes in the correct order as well.
Camel will stop the routes in the reverse order that they were started.
Lets try a couple of examples.
Startup ordering example
.to("seda:foo"); And the same example with XML DSL:
<route startupOrder="1">
<from uri="seda:foo"/>
<to uri="mock:result"/>
<route startupOrder="2">
<from uri="direct:start"/>
<to uri="seda:foo"/>
</routes> In this example we have two routes in which we have started that the direct:start route should be started after the seda:foo route. Because direct:start is considered the input, and we want seda:foo route to be up and running beforehand.
Using startOrder together with non startOrder
You can also mix and match routes with and without startupOrder defined. The first two routes below have start order defined, and the last route has not.
.to("seda:bar"); And the same example with XML DSL:
<route startupOrder="1">
<from uri="seda:foo"/>
<to uri="mock:result"/>
<route startupOrder="2">
<from uri="direct:start"/>
<to uri="seda:foo"/>
<from uri="direct:bar"/>
<to uri="seda:bar"/>
</routes> In the route above we have not defined a startupOrder on the last route direct:bar in which Camel will auto assign a number for it, in which this case will be ; therefore the route will be started last.
So you can use this to your advantage to only assign a startupOrder on the routes which really needs it.
Configuring routes to start up last
You can use a high number in startupOrder to have a specific route startup last as shown below:
// use auto assigned startup ordering
// should start first
// should start last after the default routes
// use auto assigned startup ordering
from("seda:bar").to("mock:other"); In the example above the order of startups of routes should be:
Shutting down routes
Camel will shut down the routes in the reverse order that they were started.
See more at Graceful Shutdown.
The Camel Spring Boot component provides auto configuration for Apache Camel. Auto-configuration of the Camel context auto-detects Camel routes available in the Spring context and registers the key Camel utilities such as producer template, consumer template, and the type converter as beans.
Every Camel Spring Boot application should use dependencyManagement with productized versions, see quickstart pom. Versions that are tagged later can be omitted to not override the versions from BOM.
<dependencyManagement> <dependencies> <dependency> <groupId>org.jboss.redhat-fuse</groupId> <artifactId>fuse-springboot-bom</artifactId> <version>${fuse.version}</version> <type>pom</type> <scope>import</scope> </dependency> </dependencies> </dependencyManagement>Note
camel-spring-boot jar comes with the
spring.factories file which allows you to add that dependency into your classpath and hence Spring Boot will automatically auto-configure Camel.
6.2. Introduction to Camel Spring Boot Starter
Apache Camel includes a Spring Boot starter module that allows you to develop Spring Boot applications using starters.
For more details, see sample application in the source code.
To use the starter, add the following snippet to your Spring Boot
pom.xml file:
<dependency> <groupId>org.apache.camel</groupId> <artifactId>camel-spring-boot-starter</artifactId> </dependency>The starter allows you to add classes with your Camel routes, as shown in the snippet below. Once these routes are added to the class path the routes are started automatically.
package com.example; import org.apache.camel.builder.RouteBuilder; import org.springframework.stereotype.Component; @Component public class MyRoute extends RouteBuilder { @Override public void configure() throws Exception { from("timer:foo").to("log:bar"); } }You can customize the Camel application in the or
application.yml file.
Camel Spring Boot now supports referring to bean by the id name in the configuration files ( or yaml file) when you configure any of the Camel starter components. In the
src/main/resources/ (or yaml) file you can now easily configure the options on the Camel that refers to other beans by refering to the beans ID name. For example, the xslt component can refer to a custom bean using the bean ID as follows:
Refer to a custom bean by the id myExtensionFactory as follows:
camel.component.xslt.saxon-extension-functions=myExtensionFactoryWhich you can then create using Spring Boot @Bean annotation as follows:
@Bean(name = "myExtensionFactory") public ExtensionFunctionDefinition myExtensionFactory() { }Or, in case of a Jackson ObjectMapper in the
camel-jackson data-format:
camel.dataformat.json-jackson.object-mapper=myJacksonMapper6.3. Auto-configured Camel context
Camel auto-configuration provides a
CamelContext instance and creates a
SpringCamelContext. It also initializes and performs shutdown of that context. This Camel context is registered in the Spring application context under
camelContext bean name and you can access it like other Spring bean.
For example, you can access the
camelContext as shown below:
Contact us to discuss your requirements of camel auto. Our experienced sales team can help you identify the options that best suit your needs.
@Configuration public class MyAppConfig { @Autowired CamelContext camelContext; @Bean MyService myService() { return new DefaultMyService(camelContext); } }6.4. Auto-detecting Camel routes
Camel auto configuration collects all the
RouteBuilder instances from the Spring context and automatically injects them into the
CamelContext. It simplifies the process of creating new Camel route with the Spring Boot starter. You can create the routes by adding the
@Component annotated class to your classpath.
@Component public class MyRouter extends RouteBuilder { @Override public void configure() throws Exception { from("jms:invoices").to("file:/invoices"); } }To create a new route
RouteBuilder bean in your
@Configuration class, see below:
@Configuration public class MyRouterConfiguration { @Bean RoutesBuilder myRouter() { return new RouteBuilder() { @Override public void configure() throws Exception { from("jms:invoices").to("file:/invoices"); } }; } }6.5. Camel properties
Spring Boot auto configuration automatically connects to Spring Boot external configuration such as properties placeholders, OS environment variables, or system properties with Camel properties support.
These properties are defined in file:
route.from = jms:invoicesUse as system property
java -jar mySpringApp.jarUse as placeholders in Camel route:
@Component public class MyRouter extends RouteBuilder { @Override public void configure() throws Exception { from("{{route.from}}").to("{{}}"); } }6.6. Custom Camel context configuration
To perform operations on
CamelContext bean created by Camel auto configuration, you need to register
CamelContextConfiguration instance in your Spring context as shown below:
@Configuration public class MyAppConfig { ... @Bean CamelContextConfiguration contextConfiguration() { return new CamelContextConfiguration() { @Override void beforeApplicationStart(CamelContext context) { // your custom configuration goes here } }; } }Note
The method
CamelContextConfiguration and
beforeApplicationStart(CamelContext) will be called before the Spring context is started, so the
CamelContext instance passed to this callback is fully auto-configured. You can add many instances of
CamelContextConfiguration into your Spring context and all of them will be executed.
6.7. Disabling JMX
To disable JMX of the auto-configured
CamelContext use
camel.springboot.jmxEnabled property as JMX is enabled by default.
For example, you could add the following property to your file:
camel.springboot.jmxEnabled = false6.8. Auto-configured consumer and producer templates
Camel auto configuration provides pre-configured
ConsumerTemplate and
ProducerTemplate instances. You can inject them into your Spring-managed beans:
@Component public class InvoiceProcessor { @Autowired private ProducerTemplate producerTemplate; @Autowired private ConsumerTemplate consumerTemplate; public void processNextInvoice() { Invoice invoice = consumerTemplate.receiveBody("jms:invoices", Invoice.class); ... producerTemplate.sendBody("netty-http:" +; } }By default consumer templates and producer templates come with the endpoint cache sizes set to . You can change those values using the following Spring properties:
camel.springboot.consumerTemplateCacheSize = 100 camel.springboot.producerTemplateCacheSize = 2006.9. Auto-configured TypeConverter
Camel auto configuration registers a
TypeConverter instance named
typeConverter in the Spring context.
@Component public class InvoiceProcessor { @Autowired private TypeConverter typeConverter; public long parseInvoiceValue(Invoice invoice) { String invoiceValue = invoice.grossValue(); return typeConverter.convertTo(Long.class, invoiceValue); } }6.10. Spring type conversion API bridge
Spring consist of type conversion API. Spring API is similar to the Camel type converter API. Due to the similarities between the two APIs Camel Spring Boot automatically registers a bridge converter (
SpringTypeConverter) that delegates to the Spring conversion API. That means that out-of-the-box Camel will treat Spring Converters similar to Camel.
This allows you to access both Camel and Spring converters using the Camel
TypeConverter API, as shown below:
@Component public class InvoiceProcessor { @Autowired private TypeConverter typeConverter; public UUID parseInvoiceId(Invoice invoice) { // Using Spring's StringToUUIDConverter UUID id = invoice.typeConverter.convertTo(UUID.class, invoice.getId()); } }Here, Spring Boot delegates conversion to the Springs
ConversionService instances available in the application context. If no
ConversionService instance is available, Camel Spring Boot auto configuration creates an instance of
6.11. Disabling type conversions features
To disable registering type conversion features of Camel Spring Boot such as
TypeConverter instance or Spring bridge, set the
camel.springboot.typeConversion property to
false as shown below:
camel.springboot.typeConversion = false6.12. Adding XML routes
By default, you can put Camel XML routes in the classpath under the directory camel, which
camel-spring-boot will auto detect and include. From Camel version 2.17 onwards you can configure the directory name or disable this feature using the configuration option, as shown below:
// turn off camel.springboot.xmlRoutes = false // scan in the com/foo/routes classpath camel.springboot.xmlRoutes = classpath:com/foo/routes/*.xmlNote
The XML files should be Camel XML routes and not
CamelContext such as:
<routes xmlns=""> <route id="test"> <from uri="timer://trigger"/> <transform> <simple>ref:myBean</simple> </transform> <to uri="log:out"/> </route> </routes>When using Spring XML files with <camelContext>, you can configure Camel in the Spring XML file as well as in the file. For example, to set a name on Camel and turn On the stream caching, add: = MyCamel Adding XML Rest-DSL
By default, you can put Camel Rest-DSL XML routes in the classpath under the directory
camel-rest, which
camel-spring-boot will auto detect and include. You can configure the directory name or disable this feature using the configuration option, as shown below:
// turn off camel.springboot.xmlRests = false // scan in the com/foo/routes classpath camel.springboot.xmlRests = classpath:com/foo/rests/*.xmlNote
The Rest-DSL XML files should be Camel XML rests and not
CamelContext such as:
<rests xmlns=""> <rest> <post uri="/persons"> <to uri="direct:postPersons"/> </post> <get uri="/persons"> <to uri="direct:getPersons"/> </get> <get uri="/persons/{personId}"> <to uri="direct:getPersionId"/> </get> <put uri="/persons/{personId}"> <to uri="direct:putPersionId"/> </put> <delete uri="/persons/{personId}"> <to uri="direct:deletePersionId"/> </delete> </rest> </rests>6.14. Testing with Camel Spring Boot
In case on Camel running on Spring Boot, Spring Boot automatically embeds Camel and all its routes, which are annotated with
@Component. When testing with Spring boot you use
@SpringBootTest instead of
@ContextConfiguration to specify which configuration class to use.
When you have multiple Camel routes in different RouteBuilder classes, Camel Spring Boot will include all these routes. Hence, when you wish to test routes from only one RouteBuilder class you can use the following patterns to include or exclude which RouteBuilders to enable:
You can specify these patterns in your unit test classes as properties to @SpringBootTest annonation, as shown below:
@RunWith(CamelSpringBootRunner.class) @SpringBootTest(classes = {MyApplication.class); properties = {"**/Foo*"}) public class FooTest {In the
FooTest class, the include pattern is
**/Foo*, which represents an Ant style pattern. Here, the pattern starts with double asterisk, which matches with any leading package name.
/Foo* means the class name must start with Foo, for example, FooRoute. You can run a test using following maven command:
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mvn test -Dtest=FooTest
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