Dec. 16, 2024
I tried an epilator for the first time. If you dont know what an epilator is, its an electronic device used to remove hair by mechanically grasping multiple hairs simultaneously and snatching them from the root. Similar to waxing. For my epilation test drive I decided to do an Epilator Brazilian. Brave? Yeah I know. #NewYearNewMe so why not try new things. Besides, I wanted to see if I really had that S on my chest. Heres the backstory
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I dont like hair unless its on my head. And I dont like too much of it there either. I especially dont like pubic hair. If this is TMI for you stop reading now. I used to shave but I would always nick myself and the hair grew back super coarse. Mind you I have very coarse hair to begin with. So Ive been not so regularly getting Brazilian Waxes for the last 10 years.
I hate getting a Brazilian Wax though. Whoever said that the pain gets easier to deal with over time lied. That ish always hurts. And unless you find a good groupon deal, upkeep can get very expensive. I used to get a wax every 3-5 weeks. Now I only stick to this schedule in the Summer. The rest of the year I get a wax about every 10 weeks unless Im going on vacation. And I do maintenance with clippers to keep the hair low in between visits.
Now back to the epilator. Ive had a Panasonic Wet/Dry Epilator sitting in a drawer for about 3 years. PR sent it to me and I totally forgot about it. I had never used an epilator before and got cold feet after doing some research. Fast forward to a couple of weeks ago, I found the epilator and decided to give it a try. I was curious to see how it compared to waxing. After browsing through the manual, I figured out what attachments I needed to use and got started. I decided to do dry epilation so that I can easily hold my skin tight for better hair removal.
I started at the bikini line with the Gentile Epilator Head. It wasnt painful at all. I just felt a little pinching. Next I moved on to the Dual Disc Epilator Head with the Gentile Cap, and decided to start in the center. Now if youve ever gotten a wax youd know that this is the most painful area because of the nerve endings. As instructed, I slowly glided the epilator across the area and immediately stopped. It hurt like hell. Same intensity as waxing. But worse since youre moving slower. I decided to suck it up and carry on.
Once I got past this area the pain became less intense. It actually was more of an uncomfortable sensation than pain. I switched between the Gentile Cap and Fast Cap to move things along quicker. Now I thought the labia would hurt the most. Especially the inner labia. But it barely hurt at all. I guess I was numb at this point.
Epilating the labia was more awkward than anything. I had to lift my legs and fold my body into uncomfortable positions in order to hold the skin tight and remove all of the hair. Holding the skin as tight as possible in this area is very important as your skin can get pinched in the epilator. This actually happened to me a couple of times. It wasnt painful, just scary. The skin didnt rip or anything. It just kind of gets sucked in and the rollers stop moving. When you turn the epilator off, the skin comes right out without force. The first time it happened I stopped breathing as I thought I ripped off a patch of cooch. But all was well.
It took me about an hour to complete my Epilator Brazilian as I was very careful, and tried my best to get every hair. The test drive was a success. My lady bits were smooth and hairless, just like when I get a Brazilian Wax. There were a few stray hairs that were too short to grasp, but this happens when I get a wax as well. I just tweeze them since its such a small amount and I dont like the look of stray hairs. I finished off the job with a layer of Tend Skin to calm the skin.
After two weeks, the hair is just growing back in. So I would say that the results last about as long as a Brazilian Wax. I plan to continue to do epilation in lieu of waxing on the regular. Ill treat myself to a wax on occasion.
My Panasonic Epilator appears to be discontinued. But this Braun Epilator looks even better, and has great reviews. I plan to upgrade to this one when mine decides to kick the bucket. Another note, you can try a numbing cream to make the epilating process a little less painful if youd like. I guess I like pain as I havent tried this as of yet.
An epilator is any device that removes body hair by pulling it out from the roots. Epilators take more time and effort to use than razors. However, the results last longer than when you shave. You can use epilators at home for normal hair removal or get more specialized treatment at a clinic. Small and portable epilators can easily be used on privates.
If you want to learn more, please visit our website Custom Epilator.
Its not necessary to remove the hair in your bikini area to keep your body clean. Pubic hair removal is a personal preference. Though there are no known health benefits of removing pubic hair, many people use epilators on pubic hair to promote personal hygiene. Common hair removal methods include shaving, waxing, and plucking using an epilator.
An epilator is any device that removes body hair by pulling it out from the roots. Small and portable epilators can easily be used on privates.
Types of epilators
Epilators can be classified according to how they operate. The following are some examples of commonly used epilators.
Spring-type epilators. The first-ever epilator was a spring type. This traditional device has metal coils that rotate and move to squeeze the coils together and then apart. This way, the spaces created grab hairs, pull them out, and then open up to release the hairs. Although fairly effective, you need to keep replacing the springs on these epilators as they are easily worn out. Another downside that prompted the development of better epilators is that the springs can pinch your skin. You also have to move it repeatedly across the same area to remove all the hair.
Rotating disc or tweezer epilators. The rotating or spinning disc epilator works by plucking hair like the spring epilator. However, this version has little disks that clamp together like tweezers. These disks rotate while grabbing hair and then pulling it off your skin. There are types of tweezer epilators specified for dry or wet use. The latter can be used safely in the shower. It helps to remove body hair when its moist to reduce pain. Epilating in the shower also helps rinse and soothe the skin.
Needle epilators. These epilators are more complicated and often require a licensed professional to operate. They are the type of epilators used for electrolysis or electrology. Needle epilators work by passing a small amount of electricity into each hair follicle using a very fine needle. This action destroys the follicle, causing your hair to fall out.
There are also hair removal devices that use laser technology to deliver an intense beam of light that goes through your skin to destroy the hair follicle. Although this type of hair removal can be used on any part of the body, laser epilators are ideal for use on smaller areas such as facial hair, armpit hair, ?bikini line, etc. It is also very effective but may carry a number of risks. Before you book an appointment for laser hair removal, ask about all possible risks and side effects.
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