Surface Roughness Explained | Ra Roughness Chart

Author: victor

Oct. 21, 2024

Measurement Instruments

Surface Roughness Explained | Ra Roughness Chart

This resource will share ways to measure and compare surface roughness in CNC machined parts, extrusions, moulding, casting and 3D printing, as well as standard surface finishes to expect. If you are unsure of the standard surface finishes for precision machined parts, or how to measure surface roughness, read on.

Goto AJR to know more.

What is surface roughness in machining and manufacturing?

Surface roughness is the measurement of the relative smoothness of a surface&#;s profile, calculated via the microscopic deviations in a surface's true form. The larger the deviation from its true form, the rougher the surface, whilst the smaller the deviation, the smoother the surface.


Surface roughness in CNC machined parts

In CNC machining, the surface roughness will influence how the manufactured part will interact with the surrounding environment. A typical CNC machining finish, &#;as machined&#;, is smooth to the touch (Ra3.2) but will contain visible machining lines from the cutting tool. This level of roughness is suitable for most parts; however, in some instances, a smoother surface is required. A smoother finish can be desirable when designing sliding parts as it will reduce the friction between parts and increase wear performance.

An additional slower machining step or a post-process finishing step such as polishing to achieve a smooth surface. Manufacturing costs increase as roughness reduces, so there can be a trade-off between surface roughness and cost for some parts.

Sometimes it can also be desirable to have a rougher surface finish on a part. For example, a seat post on a bicycle needs to have a high friction coefficient not to slip down when used. A rougher finish cannot be achieved through machining.

A secondary process like bead-blasting or tumbling is required. There is no one way to achieve a particular surface roughness as both the machining process and secondary finishing influence the surface roughness. Get in touch with a member of our team to discuss the optimal procedure for finishing your parts.

Units of measurement for surface roughness

A common unit of measurement of surface roughness is by measuring the &#;average roughness&#;, which is often communicated as &#;Ra&#;. Ra is the calculated average between peaks and valleys on a surface.

The lower the Ra value, the less variation between the peaks and troughs on a surface, making the surface smoother. For example, a lego block will have a low Ra value, as will a laptop's touchpad.

With a higher Ra value, these products would be highly textured and coarser and therefore potentially unsuitable for their desired use. This contrast of Ra values illustrates the importance of determining the desired surface roughness of a product before the manufacturing process begins. Without such determinations, machining finishes of a product may vary significantly from what was initially intended.

The illustrations below demonstrate the variations between the values of Ra (the numerical average of all the peaks and valleys across the length of the test) and Rz (the average of consecutive highest peaks and lowest valleys).

Surface roughness (Ra)Surface roughness (Rz)

Surface roughness terminology

Ra - The numerical average of all the peaks and valleys across the length of the test. It&#;s also called the Center Line Average (CLA).

Rz - The average of consecutive highest peaks and lowest valleys. Vertical distance between the highest peak and lowest valley, the distance of the second highest peak and the second-lowest valley, etc. This is usually done for the five biggest deviations, and then an average is calculated.

Rp - The calculated distance between the profile&#;s tallest peak and the mean line within the evaluation length.

Rv - The calculated distance between the profile&#;s lowest valley and the mean line within the evaluation length.

Rmax - The biggest successive deviation between the highest peak and the lowest valley, calculated within the evaluation length.

RMS - Calculated within the evaluation length, this is the root mean square average of profile height variation from the mean line.

What is a good surface roughness or surface finish standard in manufacturing?

Good surface roughness is determined according to the needs of parts, components, or the requirements of your project. For example, different types of surface finish can be applied to a part after it has been manufactured. These surface finish types can improve the wear resistance and the aesthetic or visual appearance of a part. However, these finishes may not be as precise as the machining tool, and they can affect the dimensions, conductivity, or compatibility with certain alloys.  

Achievable surface roughness averages through CNC machining include:

  • 3.2 μm Ra
  • 1.6 μm Ra
  • 0.8 μm Ra
  • 0.4 μm Ra

What are Ra Units?

Ra, or Roughness Average, is a parameter of surface roughness and is typically measured in micrometres (µm) or micro-inches (µ-in). It's worth noting that the terms "micron" and "micrometre" are interchangeable and widely used in the industry. To give a perspective, one micrometre is approximately equal to 40 micro-inches.


Ra Value in Surface Roughness

The Ra value, or Roughness Average, is a critical parameter in surface roughness measurement. It is calculated as the arithmetic mean of the absolute values of the surface height deviations from the mean line, within a specified evaluation length. Essentially, the Ra value represents the average of all individual measurements of a surface's peaks and valleys.

The formula for Ra is as follows:Ra = 1/L &#;|y(x)| dx from 0 to L


L is the sampling length

y(x) is the vertical deviation from the mean line at a distance x along the surface

This formula provides a more comprehensive understanding of the Ra value and its significance in surface roughness evaluation.

What is the standard surface finish in machining?

The standard surface finish for a machined part is usually 3.2 μm Ra. This is the least expensive, and typically the roughest machining surface finish recommended for parts intended to experience vibrations, heavy loads, or amounts of stress. Although this finish will leave visible cut marks, it will save in costs and time spent manufacturing as they are machined using high speeds.

The surface roughness can be smoothed down to a lower Ra with the inclusion of a finishing cutting pass. However, this can increase the price, add extra machining steps, and create a longer production time.

Get It Made&#;s precision machining has surface finishing standards of 3.2μm Ra and 1.6 μm Ra for as-machined parts.

Types of Machining Finishes

Machining finishes refer to the final surface texture and appearance of a part after it has undergone a machining process. The finish can vary based on the machining method used, the material, and the desired end result. Here are some common types of machining finishes:

  1. As-Machined Finish - This is the surface finish that results directly from the machining process without any post-processing. It may have visible tool marks and is not typically very smooth.
  2. Smooth Finish - Achieved through processes like grinding or honing, this finish has a very fine surface texture. It's ideal for parts that require a smooth surface for functional or aesthetic reasons.
  3. Textured Finish - Some parts may require a textured surface for grip, aesthetics, or other functional reasons. This can be achieved through processes like knurling or bead blasting.
  4. Mirror Finish - This is a highly polished finish that reflects light, similar to a mirror. It's achieved through extensive polishing and is often used for decorative parts.
  5. Anodised Finish - For metals like aluminium, an anodising process can be used to create a protective oxide layer on the surface. This not only provides protection but can also add colour to the part.

It's essential to choose the right machining finish based on the part's intended use, material, and design specifications. The surface roughness, represented by the Ra value, can give an indication of the finish's smoothness. However, it's always best to consult with a machining expert to determine the most suitable finish for a specific application.

How to choose the suitable surface roughness for your project

When selecting the suitable surface roughness for your project, there are several factors to consider. The Ra may need to be higher or lower depending on the product&#;s application, the required durability, if the part will be polished or painted, the importance of precise dimensions, and the project's budget.

3.2 μm Ra is perfect for a low-budget project that may receive other forms of finishing later, such as painting or polishing. 1.6 μm Ra will show even fewer cut marks and can also be an economical choice.

Smoother surface requirements, such as 0.8 μm Ra or 0.4 μm Ra, will be more costly but necessary for projects that require control and perfect dimensions. This high-grade finish will have no visible cut mark, ideal for parts exposed to concentrated stress.

The finest roughness averages are more pricey due to the extra manufacturing effort required. They should only be specified if smoothness and perfect dimensions are essential to the project.

How are different levels of surface roughness achieved?

Surface roughness is resolved ahead of time by the designer and manufacturer. It&#;s a vital detail that must maintain consistency to produce reliable products that correctly interact with their environment.

Different types of surface finish can determine how durable a part will be. If a part is rougher than it needs to be, there can be irregularities in the surface that will cause quicker wear and tear, breaks, and corrosion. Some surface roughness may be desired as well to help with the adhesion of coatings and paints or to improve conductivity.

Ra values most commonly measure different surface roughness levels. A surface roughness chart can show different types of surface finish with Ra roughness values ranging from 12.5 μm Ra (very rough) to 0.4 μm Ra (very smooth).


Leaving a product with an as-machined finish will ensure the tightest dimensional tolerances, up to ± 0.05 mm or better. CAM, or Computer-Aided Manufacturing, allows for exact data paths and tool paths that will be faithful to the original design. There is typically no added cost for the standard finishes.

However, there will be visible tool marks, and the parts may appear dull. An as-machined product can be the most cost-effective solution available without additional surface finishing types, especially for prototypes, fixtures, and jigs.    

Bead blasted

A bead-blasted finish is achieved by the use of a pressurised air gun. Small glass beads are blasted onto the surface, leaving a matte or satin finish and a faint surface texture. This uniform finish can hide tool marks created on a machined part and is mainly utilised for the polished final look.

Bead blasting is not ideal for projects that require exact dimensions as the process is not highly controlled. While critical features, like holes, can be masked and hidden during the process to avoid much change, the rest of the part will be affected in dimension and surface roughness.

The only controllable aspect of this finishing type is the size of the glass beads.


Anodising is a process that adds a thin but highly protective oxidised layer to metal parts. It is done through electrochemical reactions when a part is submerged in an acidic solution and exposed to an electric voltage. The coating will grow equally in all directions, which means this finishing type has better dimensional control than bead blasting.

The resulting coating is electrically non-conductive with high hardness qualities. However, this process is only compatible with Aluminium and Titanium alloys.

Anodised type II

Anodising type II is known as the standard anodising process. It produces a coating that can be clear or coloured with a thickness of up to 25 μm. This type of surface finish is ideal for parts that require a smooth, wear-resistant, and visually appealing exterior.

If you are looking for more details, kindly visit Ultrasonic Flaw Detector.

Anodised type III  

Anodising Type III does generally cost more than Type II. The extra cost is due to the closer control required during the process. A higher current density is needed, and a constant solution temperature of zero degrees Celsius must be kept for the electrochemical reaction to produce a much thicker coating of up to 125 μm.

Anodising type III is also known as &#;hard coat&#; anodising. Components with this finish will have a harder outer layer, providing superior corrosion resistance perfect for top engineering applications.

How is surface roughness measured?

There are both manual and digital methods in which surface roughness can be measured, though the surface roughness tester that is most commonly employed is a profilometer. One of the most accurate ways to measure the surface roughness of an area, a profilometer can utilise a variety of profiling techniques ranging from contact to non-contact methods.

How to measure surface roughness

This section will take you through some of the options for measuring the surface roughness of manufactured and machined parts. Read on to learn more about the available methods to help decipher which is most suited to your project and needs.

Contact profilometer

A contact profilometer works by measuring the displacement of a diamond stylus as it is moved across the surface of a manufactured component. Often measuring up to 25mm as the stylus is displaced along a product&#;s surface. This displacement is then converted into digital values displayed on the profilometer screen. Once displayed, measurements are subsequently analysed by product designers and/or manufacturers, and a greater understanding of the product&#;s attributes can be obtained.

Should I use a contact profilometer?

However, despite its accuracy in determining surface roughness, some limitations are associated with contact profilometer techniques. First of all, when in contact with the surface during the measurement process, the stylus can potentially cause damage to a product surface, causing rough surfaces and variation that was not there previously. In addition to this, it is also slower than non-contact techniques and, as such, can potentially slow down the process of assembly if employed within mass-production processes.

Non-contact profilometer

A non-contact profilometer can be employed via several techniques, including laser triangulation, confocal microscopy, and digital holography. However, the most common application of a non-contact profilometer comes in the form of optical profilometry, which uses light rather than a physical probe, such as a stylus.

In this technique, light is directed onto the surface of the product. Via the reflections gained from a well-positioned reference mirror, a camera can detect the surface in 3D. As a result, a three-dimensional profile of the surface can be obtained, and variations from the ideal surface profile are detected.

Should I use a non-contact profilometer?

Non-contact profilometers are very reliable and able to measure surface variation to within micrometres. Non-contact methods such as this also represent a cheaper option than their contact counterparts and enable a faster method of calculating surface roughness. A non-contact surface measurement tool can measure a larger area as it is not dictated by the size of a stylus tip.

Portable surface roughness tester

Although still digital, a portable surface roughness tester can take surface measurements without being connected to a mains power outlet. With a back-lit screen to show its findings, this device is able to display sectional calculation results and amplitude distribution curves, as well as its original surface roughness calculations. Similar to a contact profilometer, this device also uses a stylus to undertake its measurements.

(Above) A popular and simple way to measure surface roughness is via a digital surface roughness tester

Surface roughness comparator

A surface roughness comparator is used to manually assess a manufactured product's surface roughness/finish. Selected in accordance with the manufacturing process used and desired finish, comparators display industry-standard finish grades, against which a product&#;s surface can be compared.

Should I use a surface roughness comparator?

Although a surface roughness comparator represents a cost-effective and easily accessible means of assessing surface roughness, it also possesses an obvious weakness. Due to the fact that deviations in a product&#;s surface are calculated using judgements passed by either touch or aesthetic appearance, the level of accuracy achieved via this method is lower than those undertaken by the use of a profilometer.

Manufacturing surface roughness comparison chart

A surface roughness comparison chart is an important guideline for engineers, enabling them to compare common surface roughness values for different manufacturing processes. Being able to understand a chart such as this and the conversion between contrasting units of measurement is a useful addition to any engineer&#;s arsenal.

Cost of surface roughness

There are a number of factors that impact the cost of surface roughness finishes.

Not only do different surface roughness values have different physical properties, but they can also have vastly different costs associated with them. Due to the greater process required, a manufactured product with a low Ra value will be more expensive than a manufactured product with a high Ra value. For example, to achieve low Ra, smooth surfaces, potential additional processes such as surface grinding may be required, as well as the time-consuming task of manually polishing each piece. The latter of these possibilities requires abrasive compounds, such as tape or sandpaper, and is very arduous and slow compared to machining processes used to achieve lower Ra finishes.

As such, as well as Ra values presenting cost-efficient decisions to be made, it also impacts decisions over factors such as manufacturing time-frames due to the length of time taken for a manual process such as polishing.

To speak to us regarding what might be best for your project and arrange a quote, get in touch with Get It Made today.

Surface roughness symbols and abbreviations

The surface roughness chart below denotes the various surface roughness symbols and abbreviations commonly used within engineering practices and the meaning behind them. Understanding these symbols is crucial in achieving the desired finish of your manufactured part.

When used, they will dictate the final finish of each manufactured surface. Being able to both use and understand engineering drawings dictated by symbols such as this is critical in the eventual success of any part manufactured. Get It Made's technical toolbox also contains a comprehensive guide to surface finish symbols.

The marks made by the cutting tool during machining when forming a radial pattern in relation to the centre of the surface on which the symbol is shown. Here are the symbols and their meanings:

  • = : The marks made by a cutting tool during machining when parallel with the surface or view on the drawing.
  • &#; : The marks made by the cutting tool during machining that are perpendicular to the surface or view on the drawing.
  • X : The marks made by the cutting tool during machining when at an angle and cross each other, in a criss-cross pattern.
  • M : The marks made commonly by polishing or lapping that cross multiple times or have no set direction.
  • C : The marks made by the cutting tool when forming mostly concentric circles in relation to the centre of the surface.&#;
  • R : The marks made by a cutting tool during machining when parallel with the surface.

Surface Roughness Conversion Table

The table below is a conversion between industry-standard units used within the surface roughness measuring process. Understanding the conversion between alternative industry-standard units, such as surface roughness Ra in metric and imperial, and ISO can be useful when finalising considerations for your desired surface finish.

Ra (Micro-meters) Ra (Micro-inches) Rt** N 0.025 1 0.3 N1 0.05 2 0.5 N2 0.1 4 0.8 N3 0.2 8 1.2 N4 0.4 16 2 N5 0.8 32 4 N6 1.6 63 8 N7 3.2 125 13 N8 6.3 250 25 N9 12.5 500 50 N10 25 100 N11 50 200 N12

Ra - Surface roughness, measured in both micro-meters and micro-inches

Rt - Roughness, total in microns

N - ISO Roughness grade numbers.

Surface Finish Measurements

Surface finish measurements are essential metrics used to quantify the texture and topography of a manufactured surface. These measurements provide insights into the quality, functionality, and aesthetic appeal of a product. The process involves assessing the deviations and irregularities on a surface, which can be caused by various manufacturing processes such as machining, grinding, casting, and more.

To perform surface finish measurements:

  1. Select the Appropriate Instrument - Depending on the type of surface and the level of precision required, choose a suitable instrument. Common tools include profilometers, interferometers, and atomic force microscopes.
  2. Prepare the Surface - Ensure the surface is clean and free from contaminants. Any debris or dirt can affect the accuracy of the measurements.
  3. Calibrate the Instrument - Before taking measurements, calibrate the instrument according to the manufacturer's guidelines.
  4. Measure the Surface - Glide the instrument's probe or sensor across the surface to capture a profile. This profile represents the peaks and valleys of the surface texture.
  5. Analyze the Data - Using specialized software, analyze the captured data to determine key parameters such as Ra (average roughness), Rz (maximum height), and more.

By understanding and controlling surface finish measurements, manufacturers can ensure that their products meet desired specifications and performance criteria.

More information regarding injection moulding surface finishes, and the industry-standard grades in which they must abide to, can be found via resources published by Get It Made.

Get It Made can produce bespoke and high precision CNC Machined parts, from low volume prototyping to high volume manufacturing. We can produce these parts from plastic and metal materials, including Aluminium, Stainless Steel, POM, ABS, PP and more.

We partner with top-quality factories to produce tolerances of ± 0.05 mm or better, with one to two and a half weeks lead time for complex projects, quality assurance reports and certificates, and more.

Please contact us to discuss the best materials and surface roughness for your project today or request a 24-hour quote!

Surface Roughness Testers

Ultimate User-Friendliness

Leading Dependability and Reliability

Strict Compliance with Industry Standards

Stocked Consumables and Spares

Trusted After Sales Technical Support

Lifetime Product Support Advantage


The surfaces roughness tester is a small handheld instrument, for shop floor use and mobile measure, it operation simple, function overall, measure fast, accuracy stability, take convenience. This tester applies to production site and can be used to measure surface roughness of various machinery-processed parts. This tester is capable of evaluating surface textures with a variety of parameters according to various international standard. The measurement results are displayed digital/graphically on the color graphic LCD display, And output to the printer.

Features by Model

NG-SR100-T System

  • Portable & economical
  • Large measuring range suitable for surface roughness testing of metal and non-metallic materials
  • Robust and durable design with anti-electromagnetic interference ability
  • High-speed DSP processor for maximum speed of data processing and calculation
  • LCD with wide temperature ranges using OLED color display, high brightness and no visual angle interference, making the system suitable for various occasions.
  • Long-life lithium ion rechargeable battery can work for a long time with no impact on memory data loss.
  • Dedicated charger or computer USB port for charging
  • Real-time monitoring of lithium battery power and display with alert function for operator
  • Automatic shutdown function and low power design of software and hardware of the instrument designed for in-field long-lasting use.
  • Optimized electric circuit design with transducer structure-design.
  • The system can test ex-circle, flat surface, conical surface and also test groove larger than 80x30mm

NG-SR200-T and NG-SR300-T System

  • Electromechanical integration design allowing for a compact, light weight system with extremely user-friendly
  • Using DSP chip to control and process data with high speed and low power consumption
  • 128 x 64 mm OLED dot matrix display with digital / graphic display
  • Intuitive and rich display of all required parameters and graphics
  • Compatible with ISO, DIN, ANSI, JIS national standards;
  • Continuous work time of over 20 hours.
  • Real-time clock settings and display with convenient data recording and storage.
  • Automatic sleep mode and automatic shutdown and power saving mode
  • Can be connected to a computer and printer;
  • Optional sensor upgrades, measuring platforms, mini printer, extension rods and other accessories.
  • Plastic shell, inspired by &#;TRANSFORMERS&#; with stylish and compact design, with extreme high reliability.
  • Bluetooth function
  • APP data acquisition and management option

NG-SR400-T System

  • Mechatronics design with embedded printer can directly print out measurement results and graphics
  • 320μm large measuring range (upgrade to 640μm, optional) inches color graphic LCD touch screen with backlight provide high brightness and wide viewing angle

  • Easy button and touch screen dual operation

  • The display information is rich, intuitive, and displays all parameters and graphics
  • Compatible with ISO, DIN, ANSI, JIS and many national standards
  • Built-in lithium-ion rechargeable battery, charging control circuit, high capacity, no memory effect
  • Includes charge indicator, charging hint
  • Continuous working time is more than 50 hours
  • Large internal memory: 100 groups of original data and waveform can be stored
  • Real-time clock setting and display, convenient for data recording and storage.
  • Comes standard with automatic sleep, automatic shutdown and other power-saving functions
  • Reliable circuit and software design to prevent the motor for getting stuck
  • External drive unit allows more flexible measurement on side, upper, and other measurement orientations.

Measuring Principle

Surface roughness testers offers a linear roughness measurement. This is done by tracing a mechanical tip along a surface to measure roughness along an arbitrary line. As the equipment evolves in sophistication, manual contact methods may be replaced by last, optic and other testing processes for faster and more user-friendly results. Contact our quality consultants today to help identify which surface roughness testing system would be the optimal solution for your testing needs.

The surface roughness values are normally displayed in Ra, which is the average absolute deviation from a central line of a surface. Additional values include the Rq, which is the root mean square of the deviation. There is a vast number of other testing scales depending on your specific requirements. A more advanced surface roughness tester may offer more testing scale options.

After the test, the data collection system is processed with digital filtering and parameter calculation system via a DSP chip and the measuring result can be read on LCD screen or simply printed through printer and communicated with PC.

Optional Sensors

NG-SR55 Extension rod. Used to extend length of sensor when testing deep hole (55mm) NG-SR90 Right angle measuring mechanism. NG-SR100 Standard sensor, plane & shaft & inner surface of hole>6mm, depth <22mm NG-SR120 Small hole sensor, cylindrical& plane &inner surface of hole>2 mm, depth <9mm NG-SR110 Sensor for curved surface & plane, cylindrical, curvature radius>3 mm NG-SR131 Sensor for deep groove, cylindrical & plane & groove width>3 mm, depth<10mm NR-S520 Metal Working Platform
Designed for elevating, and stability during the testing procedure
NG-SR620 Marble Substrate Working Platform, elevating, V groove, high accuracy to test tiny work piece. NR-SRB-GEN Roughness comparison block
High quality comparison block of surface roughness with anti-rust treatment.
30 comparison block/set

Technical Specifications

Other Testing Systems Available Upon Request ***

NG-SR400T Measuring rang The Z axis (vertical) 320μm (-160μm-160μm), μin (-μin-+μin) The X axis (Transverse) 17.5mm&#;0.69 inch) Resolution the Z axis (vertical) 0.002μm/&pm;20μm 0.004μm/&pm;40μm 0.008μm/&pm;80μm 0.02μm/&pm;160μm Display Parameter Ra Rz, Rq Rt, Rc Rp Rv R3z R3y Rz(JIS) Ry Rs Rsk Rku Rmax Rsm Rmr RPc Rk Rpk Rvk Mr1 Mr2 Assessed Graphic Rmr curve, Roughness curve, Primary Profile, Filter waveform Standard ISO, ANSI b46.1, DIN, JISb601 Filter RC,PC-RC,Gauss,D-P Cut off length(lr) 0.25,0.8,2.5mm Assessment length (ln) Ln= lr×n n=1-5 Sensor Measuring principle Differential Inductance Stylus tip Diamond, 90°/ cone angle/5μmR Force Measuring force<4mN, Skid force<400mN Guide parts hard alloy, skid radius of curvature: 40mm Measuring speed lr=0.25, Vt=0.135mm/s lr=0.8, Vt=0. 5mm/s Accurate to 0.001μm Tolerance &pm;(5nm+0.1A) A=Ra standard value of precise specimen Repeatability &leq;3% Residual Profile &leq; 0.010μm Power supply Built-in Lithium ion battery mAh Main unit dimension 155×145×58mm Drive unit dimension 23×27×115mm Zoom of height adapter 40mm Weight Around g Working Environment Temperature: - 20&#; ~ 40&#; Humidity: < 90% RH Store and Transportation Temperature: - 20&#; ~ 40&#; Humidity: < 90% RH Standard sensor Groove sensor Optional accessory Magnetic stand, height gauge and related adapter, curved sensor, small hole sensor, deep groove sensor, very small hole sensor, Extending Rod, Right Angle Rod, mini printer, 200mm platform, 300mm marble platform, software, mobile APP




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