Why is Blue Raptor called Blue?

Author: Steve

Jul. 15, 2024

Blue (S/F)

B-420 &#;Blue&#; ( &#; present) is a female Velociraptor antirrhopus masranii originally bred for InGen Security&#;s I.B.R.I.S. Project. She is the oldest member of her subspecies to have survived infancy, along with three younger sisters. Blue was initially planned to be a Jurassic World attraction, though InGen Security also intended to test her capabilities as a military animal. She was contained within park facilities between and , but was released into the wild in late . In mid-, she was relocated from her home on Isla Nublar to the American West Coast. She currently lives in Northern California, near the northern end of the Sierra Nevada mountains.

For more information, please visit Blue the Raptor Costume.

Blue has acted as a model specimen for research into dinosaur intelligence and psychology. She is considered the most intelligent of her kind, and therefore among the most intelligent of dinosaurs in general. She has also been utilized as a model for genetic engineering techniques.


This raptor&#;s specimen number, B-420, comes from the mobile game Jurassic World: The Game and has not been featured in the film canon proper. Its meaning is not known. Her given name, which is used almost universally, comes from the color of the stripes on her body; it is also indirectly a reference to her status as &#;beta&#; of InGen&#;s raptor response team. Blue&#;s younger siblings have names beginning with C, D, and E, continuing the trend (though these do not necessarily correspond to their ages). Blue is the only one whose name is not taken from the respective term in the military phonetic alphabet, &#;beta&#; for B.

Early life

Blue, along with her sisters Delta, Echo, and Charlie, were hatched in after being genetically engineered from older versions of Velociraptor antirrhopus. Blue in particular was engineered with genes sourced from the black-throated monitor (Varanus albigularis microstictus), which gives her thicker scaly skin, distinctive gray-and-blue coloration, and parthenogenetic reproductive abilities. Her stripe is slightly iridescent, though this is not noticeable in most natural lighting conditions. Other aspects of her genome were satisfied by genes from birds of prey and iguanas, though she had younger siblings with larger proportions of genes from these donor species.

The exact date on which Blue was created and the date on which she hatched are unknown. She was stated to be six years old as of May 15, ; this means that she hatched on May 15, at the latest. She was roughly eight weeks old on Day 176 of the I.B.R.I.S. Project, making her about seventeen weeks younger than the project itself. Jurassic World social media has narrowed down her birthday to between March 21 and April 19.

She was the first of her kind to survive infancy: the next-oldest surviving sibling was Delta, while the second-youngest was Echo followed by Charlie. All four, along with their siblings who did not survive, were hatched in the Hammond Creation Laboratory after being engineered by InGen&#;s lead genetic biologist Dr. Henry Wu. She most likely incubated within a surrogate egg provided by another deinonychosaur owned by InGen. Upon hatching, Blue was met by her adoptive father figure, InGen Security animal behaviorist Owen Grady. He would spend the next three years raising and caring for her.

After she hatched, Blue was fitted with a subdermal RFID tracking implant which would constantly report her location to Jurassic World&#;s computer network. This implant could also read her biometrics and other physiological data, making it easier to track her health. Because she was intended to spend her life within a physical paddock, her implant was probably not keyed into a particular zone of the park&#;s invisible fence system.

At approximately eight weeks of age, a hierarchy had developed among Blue and her sisters. As the oldest, largest, strongest, and most intelligent, Blue easily took a place at the top of this hierarchy, with her younger siblings falling in line with her. This was established by Day 176 of I.B.R.I.S., roughly twenty-five weeks into the program. She expressed loyalty to Grady, and showed signs of greater emotional intelligence than her siblings. Grady noted that Blue demonstrated empathy to a degree that her siblings did not. She learned to respond to simple commands.

I.B.R.I.S. training

By , Blue and her siblings entered young adulthood, which meant their lives grew more complex. They inhabited Jurassic World&#;s raptor research paddock, a facility including contained jungle and a training arena. Blue began challenging Grady&#;s authority, and he had to take measures to establish that he was still in charge. Similarly, Blue was challenged for the beta position by Echo, which led to a violent fight between the sisters. Echo&#;s jaw was severely damaged, requiring intensive veterinary attention and leaving her with permanent scarring.

Grady continued training the four raptors, teaching them more commands. By May 17, at which point Blue was one year old, he came to realize that their social dynamic was more complicated than InGen originally believed. He requested that his friend Barry Sembène be recruited onto the project. His overseer Vic Hoskins agreed, and Sembène was brought on board; he became a secondary caretaker to Blue and the other raptors.

Grady performed the training exercises for Blue and the others, using a clicker device along with visual and vocal commands to teach them to perform certain actions. When they performed successfully, he would reward them with food. Blue&#;s favored foods were beef jerky and rats. When feeding all four raptors, Grady would feed Blue last as a way to reinforce his position as dominant over her in the hierarchy. Charlie, who was the most loyal to Blue, would sometimes give up meals for her older sister. Training exercises were often unsuccessful; for example, one of the common exercises was to have the raptors chase a small pig but cease their pursuit when commanded to do so. The raptors would often let their predatory instincts override Grady&#;s commands, killing the pig after being ordered not to.

When the raptors were not in training, Sembène tended to their health. While the raptors tested their caretakers and frequently made escape attempts, they still maintained a sense of loyalty. They learned to recognize and respond to at least forty distinct commands. Some exercises, such as the aforementioned pig chase, were a struggle even as of ; however, Blue and her sisters were recorded as responding appropriately to commands 73% of the time.

This trust was not present with all of the human members of IBRIS. Many of the ACU personnel hired by Vic Hoskins were prepared at any time to use nonlethal weapons to subdue the raptors, and at least one paddock worker was severely mauled by a raptor in . Grady himself was wary of the raptors, especially the highly intelligent Blue, and kept a close watch on all four of them to prevent escapes or attacks on any more workers.

At some point before , Blue&#;s physical appearance was used as a model for the holoscape display of Velociraptor in the Samsung Innovation Center. This made her an ambassador for her species in Jurassic World ahead of the planned raptor exhibit, even if she could not have known anything about this herself.

There was a brief incident during the night of December 19, when three campers from Camp Cretaceous trespassed into the raptor paddock. Blue came to confront Kenji Kon, who photographed her, and she summoned her sisters. Kon was accidentally exposed to the raptors when the cage door was opened, and his fellow camper Darius Bowman also entered the paddock to help him. The two teenagers were rescued by the intervention of camp counselors Roxie and Dave. Floodlights blinded the raptors, and meat was delivered to distract them; Blue alone was not drawn away, but was separated from the invaders as the gates closed. She snarled at the humans who had intruded into her home, but rejoined her sisters.


On December 22, , when Blue was three years old, she successfully responded to Grady&#;s stop command during a pig chase exercise. Her packmates followed suit, deferring to her authority. This was witnessed by Vic Hoskins and other InGen personnel. Shortly after the exercise, the pig used in the chase escaped back into the paddock, and a recently-hired handler named Colby Boothman-Shepard attempted to recover the animal. While he did snare it successfully, it was grabbed by Echo while still in the snare; this caused Boothman-Shepard to be dragged off the catwalk and into the paddock. Grady entered the paddock to rescue his employee, confronting Blue directly while convincing ACU not to shoot the raptors. Blue slowly advanced on her father figure, knowing she could kill him but debating whether to do so. Her sisters were less conflicted, held back only by Blue&#;s hesitancy. Once the worker was safely out of the paddock, Grady made a quick escape, and Blue led her sisters in a charge after him. The paddock gate was closed before they could kill him.

That night, Blue and her sisters were commandeered by InGen Security members ranking above the usual ACU staff. They were led into a hide-and-seek exercise, which they had performed numerous times with Grady. Blue and her sisters were presented with a piece of meat belonging to a species they had never encountered before, instructed by Grady to track down the source. They were released into the world outside for the first time, and Blue took the lead in joyfully sprinting through the jungle on her first real hunt. Grady, Sembène, and InGen Security members followed.

When they neared the source of the scent, they slowed and stopped. An unknown animal was heard vocalizing in the jungle nearby, and Echo responded to it with a social call. Emerging from the jungle, the enormous Indominus rex revealed itself to the raptors. Blue and the new creature sized one another up, each vocalizing to try and establish dominance. During the interaction, Blue began to realize that the Indominus was a more powerful leader than Grady, and that its strength could give her pack the one thing Grady would not: the freedom to live in the wild. Blue began to consider whether Grady was truly her rightful alpha, and her sisters followed suit.

InGen Security opened fire on the Indominus, frightening Blue and the other raptors into the jungle and driving the larger creature away. Now viewing the humans as a threat, Blue and the others set up ambushes to kill off the InGen soldiers one by one. During the ensuing firefight, Charlie was killed. At seeing her most loyal sister struck down, Blue flew into a rage and attacked Sembène as he sheltered in a log. He called to her by name, and she briefly paused. Grady then got her attention by whistling and revving his motorcycle&#;s engine, and she furiously pursued him. She and her sisters pursued MVU-12 as it sped to the southwest; Blue attacked the MVU and its driver Claire Dearing from the side during the chase, but was struck against a tree and fell out. Her surviving sisters carried out the rest of the chase as Blue recovered from her blow.

They made their way to Main Street ahead of the Indominus, most likely following the scent of the vehicles Grady had fled with. Delta went ahead to track him through the Innovation Center, chasing Grady along with Dearing and her two nephews out of the building where Blue and Echo waited in ambush. With their quarry surrounded, Delta and Echo waited for Blue&#;s kill command.

However, Grady managed to calm Blue. While the Indominus promised her freedom as her alpha, she did not provide familial love or mutual respect in the way that Grady had done for Blue&#;s entire life. Grady removed her harness, promising her freedom. Despite Charlie&#;s death, Blue calmed down and felt loyal to Grady as she had before.

The Indominus caught up with the raptors, commanding them to kill. Blue refused, which earned her a devastating slap from the larger animal. She was thrown into a storefront, stunned and unable to move. Her family believed her dead; in compliance with her supposed final act as their beta, Delta and Echo stayed loyal to Grady and attacked the Indominus. Their fury was not enough to bring the creature down, even with Grady&#;s help; the semi-conscious Blue could only watch helplessly as the Indominus slaughtered her two remaining sisters.

While Blue recovered, another participant entered the fray. Led out from a maintenance alley by Dearing, another giant theropod Blue had never seen before challenged the Indominus and engaged her in territorial combat. The Indominus still managed to get the upper hand, but by now Blue was steady enough to fight again. She barked to get the killer&#;s attention, charging her and leaping onto her head in a suicidal fit of rage. Her enemy was taken by surprise, and this gave the winded tyrannosaur a chance to recover as well. While the tyrannosaur dealt heavy blows, Blue bit and clawed at the hybrid&#;s head and flanks to keep her distracted. Outnumbered and overpowered, the Indominus was forced down Main Street to the edge of the Jurassic World Lagoon where she was snatched and killed by the park&#;s Mosasaurus.

The tyrannosaur, exhausted but still powerful, challenged Blue with eye-contact intimidation. Blue had no desire to fight again and assumed a submissive position, and the tyrannosaur stalked off into the woods to lick her wounds. Blue attempted to rejoin Grady, who dismissed her. Blue then headed off to the northwest; she was heard calling out to any potential company, but the deaths of her sisters left her alone.

Life in the wild

For almost three years, Blue lived in the wilds of Isla Nublar fending for herself. To get around, she utilized the maintenance tunnels; the animals of the grasslands provided her with food, and she found a watering hole in the north where she could drink. Predators did not hunt at the watering hole, ensuring that this precious resource remained available to all rather than turning the herbivores hostile. While at this water source, Blue was largely safe.

She began nesting in the derelict and overgrown ruins of Jurassic Park&#;s old Visitors&#; Centre, rather than the raptor paddock where she had been raised. It was an artificial structure built by humans, but not built to contain her; she could come and go as she pleased. She was sheltered from the weather here, and could rest in the familiar comfort of a human building without giving up the newfound freedom that the wild provided. The Centre had been slowly reclaimed by jungle over the years, and wild animals had been making it their home. She was mostly accompanied by Compsognathus, which were small enough not to threaten her and provided snacks if she could capture the quick creatures. When she left to travel the island, the compies would emerge, and when she returned they would ascend to parts of the Centre she could not access so easily.

In March, there was an incident involving former InGen employees returning a stolen Troodon named Jeanie to the island. Blue encountered them while harassing a Triceratops away from its nest. She attempted to attack the humans, but was discouraged from doing so by Jeanie. Soon afterward, InGen Security under Kurt Reed&#;s direction landed on the island to recapture Jeanie. The Troodon&#;s caregivers came under threat by Reed and InGen Security while Blue was absent; Jeanie found Blue during the incident and convinced her to provide aid. While Blue had no connection to the new humans, Jeanie was the first creature she had communicated with in three months, and she empathized with her. Blue joined in the conflict, encountering the tyrannosaur again while driving InGen Security away from Jeanie&#;s human companions. Reed himself was chased into Sector 3 during the conflict and killed by the tyrannosaur.

Jeanie does not seem to have stayed in the same territory as Blue. Her fate after March , as well as the fate of her two hatchlings, is unknown at the time, as none of them were seen since. With space and food at a premium among the island&#;s animals, Blue and Jeanie most likely staked out separate regions of Isla Nublar in which to live. Since they were both intelligent and friendly to each other, they probably moved to different territories on purpose in order to avoid competing with each other for resources.

Later in March, Blue was targeted by two poachers trespassing on the island, who located the watering hole. She survived thanks to the intervention of the Camp Cretaceous survivors, who deliberately caused a stampede to drive the animals away from the poachers. Blue was caught up in the stampede but escaped unharmed.

One day in June, Blue returned home chasing compies to find that a vending machine in the Centre was not where she had last left it. The machine was large enough that she would not have been able to easily move it, and besides, she would have had no reason to. Blue acted as though she did not suspect an intruder, knowing that a potential rival could be hiding from her. She succeeded in catching and eating one of the compies that had not been able to find shelter fast enough, carrying it out of the main rotunda. One she was hidden, the intruders emerged: three young humans from Camp Cretaceous, including two she had met before, Darius Bowman and Kenji Kon. Along with them was Yasmina Fadoula, who was a stranger to Blue. The humans fled from her and hid in an abandoned vehicle near the Centre. With her prey trapped, Blue rammed the vehicle, eventually knocking it free; it rolled downhill with Blue latching onto it, but it crashed into a boulder and rolled on top of Blue.

She was now trapped, uninjured but not strong enough to shift the thousands of pounds pinning her in place. Compies had taken notice of the havoc and were beginning to gather; they would eat her alive, if starvation and dehydration did not kill her first. To her surprise, the humans took pity on her and defended her from the compies. Kenji distracted the scavengers with shiny objects, and all three cooperated to heft the vehicle off of Blue. She had not encountered such teamwork since her old family in Jurassic World, nor had she encountered humans capable of empathizing with her since Grady left the island. Darius had been wielding a tranquilizer gun, which made Blue uneasy, but he recognized this and lay the weapon down. Showing his hands were empty, he led the others in making a submissive retreat. Only Kenji did not cooperate; he thought that Blue could be distracted with shiny objects as well and threw a quarter at her, which struck her on the snout. Blue let the trespassers off with a warning this time, no longer chasing them. She returned home.

Not all was well on the island, though. Part of the reason there were so many compies in the Centre was because many had evacuated the northern part of Isla Nublar, and other dinosaurs had been behaving stressed. The same day that she encountered the humans, a tropical storm rolled in over Isla Nublar with full force, causing flash floods and washing debris into the lowlands. During a small break in the storm, a massive explosion occurred at Lookout Point to the west, raining flaming debris around the Western Ridge. The Centre, nestled in the secondary growth of the forest, was unscathed by these disasters, but that would change soon.

One day later, while the storm was still holding off and skies were clear, the humans invaded her home again in greater numbers. This time there were six; Darius Bowman was armed with the tranquilizer rifle again. She confronted them, angry that they had come back after her warning, but a greater threat suddenly appeared. A hideous theropod-like creature, the Scorpios rex, had also invaded. Blue made to threaten this monstrous dinosaur, but to her dismay, a second one made its presence known on the Centre&#;s roof. The two hybrid dinosaurs fought each other, ignoring Blue and the humans. Darius attempted to recover the tranquilizer gun, which he had dropped, but Blue feared he would use it on her just as soon as the hybrids. She threatened him, and he relented, abandoning the gun. Knowing that the humans would not endanger her, Blue concentrated on the two hybrids. They were not dissimilar from the Indominus on a smaller scale, and she used similar tactics against them. She had no aid, but was helped by the fact that they were relentlessly attacking each other instead of cooperating to fight her. In the meantime, the humans intentionally exacerbated the structural damage the hybrids had caused to the Visitors&#; Centre. The roof began to cave in, and moments before it collapsed entirely, Blue realized the danger and fled along with the humans. On the other hand, the two Scorpios were so embroiled in their mutual hatred that they did not see the threat. Both were crushed as the roof fell on top of them. The Centre&#;s main rotunda was now inaccessible, but the danger had passed. Blue left the area, ignoring the humans and searching for a new nesting place.

Blue eventually made a home in the island&#;s north, somewhat near Mount Sibo. Blue was far from the only dinosaur to live in this area; the volcano had become active again by early , and geomagnetism drew dinosaurs north like moths to a flame. These included large predators such as Carnotaurus and Allosaurus, which would have been more than a match for Blue alone. Herbivores grew abundant as well, but many of the animals on the island were far too large or armored for her to bring down. She made a living off of scavenging carrion, hunting small and young animals, and stealing eggs.

Beginning in , conditions on the island began to worsen. There were already far too many predators for its small living space, resulting in competition pushing some species into extinction. Then, an earthquake struck the region, reawakening Mount Sibo by reconnecting it to high-pressure magma chambers. Blue would have first noticed this as temperatures in the north grew unusually high, with plants near the volcano catching fire. Activity continued to increase, reaching a point in when the Jungle River became dangerously polluted and venturing into the mountains became hazardous due to hydrogen fluoride. The herbivores became harmed by volcanic silicosis when they consumed plants that had become covered in ash, reducing Blue&#;s food sources. The area that she chose as her home was sheltered from many of these effects, but life on the island grew increasingly dire as a catastrophic eruption became an inevitable reality.


In June of , by which time Blue was six years old, mercenaries landed on Isla Nublar led by a man named Ken Wheatley. At that point, the Costa Rican and United States governments had pulled all research and monitoring equipment and personnel away from the island in preparation for the eruption, leaving it completely unprotected. Wheatley&#;s mercenaries attempted to capture Blue, but failed to track down her nesting place. They were under orders to bring her in alive, but during all of these capture attempts she managed to evade the men. She left several of them with dire injuries, some of which may have been fatal.

Another attempt came toward her on June 23, when the volcano was about to erupt. She retreated into the dense jungle to her nesting place, but was tracked all the way there by none other than Owen Grady, her former alpha and father figure. Blue was initially aggressive toward him, rejecting offerings of food, but permitted him to approach and touch her snout. As he did, she was shot in the neck with a tranquilizer dart of carfentanil; she panicked as Wheatley&#;s mercenaries surrounded her, and Grady tried to keep her calm.

One of the mercenaries standing behind Grady leveled his gun at them. Blue, having seen firsthand what guns could do to a dinosaur, immediately recognized this threat. She shoved Grady to the ground and pounced on the mercenary, pinning him down and driving her claw through his skull. Before he died, however, he shot her in the shoulder, the bullet lodging in an artery. Blue collapsed, both from the tranquilizer and the shock of being shot. She fell into a semi-conscious state and was loaded onto a transport vehicle, brought away from her home as Mount Sibo erupted and taken off Isla Nublar for the first time in her life via the S.S. Arcadia. She was contained in a 3.9m x 1.7m crate (Container #23--, Cargo #), cosigned by Jason Evans, logged into the manifest at 13:41 local time. She was the third animal logged into the manifest, having been the third-to-last loaded onto the boat. At this time, she was measured at 145 kilograms, a healthy weight for her species.

Blue spent the next day on board the ship as it steamed relentlessly north, farther and farther away from all Blue had ever known. While on board, she was tended to by paleoveterinarian Zia Rodriguez, who was also a captive of Wheatley. They were joined by Grady, who Wheatley had tried to kill; he was there with Claire Dearing and her ally Franklin Webb. Together, the four of them performed a xenotransfusion to treat Blue&#;s shock and blood loss while extracting the bullet from her artery. After the bullet was removed, Rodriguez declared that Blue would survive.

By the evening of June 24, she had gained back much of her strength. She and the other dinosaurs were loaded off of the Arcadia at the personal harbor of Benjamin Lockwood and shipped to his estate via truck convoy. She was separated from all of her human companions other than Rodriguez at this point, brought into the manor&#;s sub-basement laboratory and held there. Here she remained for much of the night, Rodriguez as her only friendly company. She was surrounded by lab technicians and mercenaries, as well as one familiar face: Henry Wu, her creator.

During the night, Wu ordered a technician to obtain blood samples from Blue which he needed for his research. The technician turned out to be a disguised Franklin Webb, who assaulted Wu in defense of his friend Rodriguez. With Wu unconscious, Rodriguez and Webb were confronted by his security staff and released Blue; they kept a cage door between themselves and the angry raptor, leaving two mercenaries as her only viable targets. Blue viciously attacked the first, biting and tearing at him; the second attempted to shoot her, but had his legs knocked out from under him by her lashing tail as she savaged the first man. He misfired as he tripped, puncturing a tank of liquid hydrogen. Rodriguez and Webb fled, and Blue mauled the remaining mercenary to death. As she finished, she noticed the hydrogen escaping the tank and rapidly vaporizing. It had no odor, but since the humans who had helped her had just run away, she followed suit, escaping the lab before sparks ignited the gas and caused a massive explosion.

Blue ascended through the manor in search of Grady using her superb sense of smell. He was hardly the only human (or other animal) who had recently been in the manor, but his was the only one she would have been intimately familiar with, so his scent stood out among the others. There was something else in the manor, too. She would have scented something like a Velociraptor, but not quite. When she found Grady, she also encountered the mysterious creature: an animal called Indoraptor, bearing qualities of her own kind as well as the Indominus. Seeing the threatening animal moving in on her father figure, Blue launched herself into combat to defend her only remaining family.

Blue and the larger raptor fought ferociously. Blue was aided in combat by the fact that the Indoraptor was distracted by a young girl that Grady was protecting; as the hybrid creature tried to grab the girl, Blue continued her assault. Grady and the child escaped from the room while Blue fought their enemy. Eventually, Blue caused the larger creature to fall through a window and onto the roof below. Temporarily separated from her foe, she sought a way to reach him.

When she ultimately found her enemy again, he had cornered Grady and the child on the edge of the roof above a room full of fossil displays. Blue advanced from the side, her target unsuspecting. She only announced her presence at the last moment, pulling the hybrid&#;s attention away from Grady, and pounced. The combined weight of the two dinosaurs collapsed the sunroof, and they tumbled into the display room; the Indoraptor landed on a fossil display and was impaled. Blue&#;s smaller size helped her avoid a similar fate. Having killed her enemy and saved her family, Blue searched for a way back up to Grady again.

Blue was not the only dinosaur to escape the manor; dozens of others were released from the lab&#;s containment level later that night while Blue was searching around the manor&#;s exterior. She would have borne witness to her former neighbors fleeing into the surrounding woodland. After they had departed, Grady and his companions emerged from the manor as well. Grady attempted to convince Blue to come home with him, but she understood that a life with Grady meant captivity. Though she still felt their familial bond, her desire for freedom was stronger, and she left him and headed south.

Life in the human world

After leaving the area near Orick, California, Blue continued south. Sometime after June 25, she was sighted in the desert badlands near Simi Valley, California, over six hundred miles away. Blue was heard vocalizing, perhaps believing that friendly creatures could be found nearby. However, no others of her kind lived in this new world. She ventured on, apparently being sighted around the American West for a time; in she was spotted in northeastern Nevada.

In mid-, at the age of nine or ten, she became a parent. Having been engineered with genes coding for parthenogenesis, she was able to produce a single female offspring without a mate. Her young would come to be known as Beta. When she realized she was gravid, Blue began nesting not far from Grady&#;s home in the Sierra Nevada mountains, using an abandoned International Carpenter Coach school bus that had been left in the woods decades ago. Here she built her nest from debris she gathered, and Beta hatched in October.

Blue kept the area secure and defended, not just from humans but from the many unfamiliar predators that also prowled the mountainous woodland. Beta grew as fall turned to winter, and within eight weeks she had gotten old enough to hunt. Blue taught her everything she had learned from her years of living on Isla Nublar alone. Like on Isla Nublar, competition was perilous. During one of their hunts, a feral rabbit they had been stalking was intercepted by a gray wolf, and Beta fought the canine using her own teeth and claws. She was able to kill the mammal, not only winning a meal but also defeating a rival predator. Blue&#;s moment of pride in her daughter was interrupted by another attack: this one from a pair of human hunters, a father and son, who had taken a shot at Beta. Wasting no time, Blue turned on the two men and killed them both.

Hunting in California is legal all year with the proper license, but Blue had spent nearly four years on the mainland already and by now knew that certain times of year would bring out more hunters. This danger was one reason she had chosen a nesting site near Owen Grady&#;s home, where he lived with Claire Dearing and the young girl Maisie Lockwood, who had become like a daughter to Grady and Dearing. Blue kept an eye on their home, but did not generally approach it. Though she trusted Grady, she did not want to get Beta accustomed to human contact.

Beta, however, was curious about her world. Partway through winter, Blue discovered her with Maisie near the cabin, accepting food from the girl. Blue&#;s parental instincts took over immediately and she called her daughter back to her side, threatening Maisie to warn her away. Grady, likewise, sprung to his adoptive daughter&#;s defense; after a tense standoff, Blue took Beta away from the scene. They headed back to the nest, Blue having picked up a recently-dead red fox for them to eat. While Beta dragged the carcass off, she was suddenly caught in a net trap, hauled into the air. Blue called to try and soothe her while looking for a way to come to the rescue, but while she was distracted, she was suddenly ambushed. A group of poachers, led by a hunter called Rainn Delacourt, rammed Blue with their truck and took Beta down from the hanging trap. Blue was knocked over the side of a small ravine and struggled to get back up, and while she scrabbled at the rock ledge, the poachers escaped.

Furious, Blue sought out Grady, who had been nearby when the poachers struck. He had failed to stop them, and in her anger Blue blamed him too. While she nearly attacked Dearing, who was outside when Blue arrived to the cabin, she restrained herself from pouncing on either her or Grady. During the confrontation Grady attempted to calm Blue, but she struck his outstretched hand with her claws, wounding him. Still, he stood his ground, and Blue stormed off into the forest to search for Beta.

But by that time her daughter was far away. Blue had no way of knowing just how far, but she could have searched the whole of the continent and never found Beta; she had been taken to an entirely different part of the world. Days turned into weeks, and spring brought the yearly change from snow to greenery. Not only was Beta gone, but Grady and his entire small family disappeared too, leaving Blue as alone as she had been on Isla Nublar after the park closed.

Then, one warm day as summer approached, she heard Beta&#;s voice in a secluded valley. She approached, cautiously at first, and then spotted her daughter alive and well, Grady and his family nearby. He had fulfilled his duty after all; his disappearance was no abandonment, but a journey to protect both of their families. Beta was happily reunited with Blue, and they returned home together. As they departed, Blue paused to give a thankful look back at Grady, now reassured that he and his own family had been looking out for hers all along.

Blue and Beta have not been seen since, but presumably still inhabit the northern Sierra Nevada range near Grady&#;s cabin.

Problem-solving and strategy

Blue is the most intelligent of her sisters, who belong to an already-intelligent animal species and a subspecies which was engineered specifically for its comprehension abilities. This makes Blue among the most intelligent animals alive, and she uses this brainpower to solve problems in her environment. Throughout her youth, she challenged her father-figure Owen Grady&#;s ability to keep her contained by making several escape attempts. She also learned to work with her sisters to collectively accomplish goals, which they demonstrated during the incident.

After the deaths of her sisters, Blue relied on herself for survival. Her ability to strategize gave her an edge over most of her competition, which included animals that chiefly relied on instinct rather than true intellect to survive. She is adaptable in combat, adjusting her tactics to better suit the foe she is facing or the prey she seeks to take down. Any situations that could play to her advantage do not go unnoticed, and she will capitalize on anything that will give her the upper hand in a fight. Blue is also capable of empathy, which helps her predict how other animals will act. Most of her fellow creatures, save humans and a few other species with complex intelligence, lack this ability. It is another thing that gives her an edge.

While she is best known for using her intelligence to survive in the wild, Blue is also smart enough to have a slight sense of humor, and would sometimes play tricks on her sisters. When they would fight over treats, Blue learned to distract them by throwing things through their field of vision, then stealing the treat while they were chasing after whatever she had thrown. In the wild, Blue can also adapt her tricks to more serious situations.

Social skills

Velociraptors are social animals by nature, and Blue is no exception. Her superior skills allowed her to take the position of beta over her younger sisters; she sought to be the pride&#;s alpha, but her father figure Owen Grady maintained a superior position to her. She is exceptionally empathic for her species, showing a greater emotional intelligence than most raptors, which makes her an effective leader as she better understands her packmates. Blue&#;s physical strength also means that she is respected by other raptors, and she has used this strength to reinforce her status; her sister Echo challenged her for the status of beta once, and in the dominance fight, Blue left Echo with punishing wounds. Echo has respected Blue since this incident, suggesting that while Blue&#;s fighting skills can be used to reinforce dominance, she also has some form of conflict resolution ability.

Blue shows powerful signs of genuine emotional attachment to her family. Even though she rebelled against Grady numerous times during her young adulthood, she refused to harm him when commanded to do so by a powerful alpha she respected. She has defended Grady at the risk of her own life, and appears to have been equally beloved by her own sisters when they were alive.

Blue has also shown an ability to negotiate with other species, communicating with the Indominus rex to form a mutually beneficial relationship and later expressing submission to a Tyrannosaurus in order to dissuade further conflict. She has also interacted with a Troodon named Jeanie; the two were at first wary of one another, but eventually came to coexist on the island without issue. Initially, Blue had wanted to attack Jeanie&#;s human caretakers, but was dissuaded from doing so by Jeanie. Later, Jeanie and Blue negotiated a partnership, cooperating to defend their shared home from the InGen Security force invading it.

Since she is empathic, Blue can be conscientious about the company she keeps. She is able to judge the character of other intelligent creatures based on their actions, determining whether they are willing to help her, if they have intent to harm her, or if they can mutually leave each other alone. This is especially useful in her dealings with humans, which are the only animals with intelligence noticeably more complex than her own. By predicting whether a human is helpful, hostile, or harmless, she can judge how to behave around them.

Physical strength and durability

Capable of running at speeds of fifty miles per hour and armed with killer claws and teeth, Blue is a predator through and through with the biological capabilities that come with the trade. Although she spent the first three years of her life in captivity and was raised by a human, she still has the hunting instincts of a Velociraptor and has shown adept use of traditional raptor combat strategies such as diversions and ambush tactics. Her toughened scaly skin is able to protect her from some damage sustained during fights with other animals. She also has superb senses, including night vision and an advanced sense of smell with a radius of at least one mile.

Blue&#;s mettle as a survivor was tested between December and June , when she was released into the wild for the first time. During the incident that started her free life, she was able to coordinate with her sisters to pick off multiple InGen Security soldiers who had threatened them. When her sisters died in the incident, she attempted to take on the Indominus herself; she would probably not have won alone, but took advantage of the hybrid&#;s ongoing conflict with a tyrannosaur during the fight. Living on her own meant that she had to learn to take care of herself, which does not come easily to such a social animal. Nonetheless, Blue was still alive and in excellent physical health when she was captured in the summer of , having survived despite worsening environmental conditions and extreme competition from other predators. She has also survived on the American West Coast amidst situations and creatures she would never have encountered on Isla Nublar. This included a vicious one-on-one fight with the Indoraptor prototype on the night of June 24, which Blue won by tackling her enemy through a sunroof. She accomplished this through classic ambush tactics, striking from the side rather than the front as to remain undetected until the last moment. Now her strength and athleticism enables her to confront and survive all kinds of threats in the Sierra Nevada, be they wild animals or human hunters.

Language skills

In addition to the system of communication that her species normally uses, which some scientists such as Dr. Alan Grant consider to be a language, Blue has a basic understanding of some English words and phrases as well as symbolic gestures. In total, Blue comprehends over forty distinct instructions and as of responded correctly 73% of the time. Some of the incorrect responses are known to have resulted from her deliberately ignoring commands, so her actual rate of comprehension is higher than the 73% value.

Blue also has a clear understanding of both human and dinosaurian body language, which assists her in analyzing the behaviors of her neighbors, friends, and enemies. Interspecies communication can be accomplished vocally and visually with Indominus rex, but apparently not the more antisocial Scorpios rex. This has not been tested with Indoraptor. She is able to communicate vocally with Troodon formosus. She is able to empathize with these more intelligent animals, helping her better understand them when communicating.

According to the mobile game Jurassic World: The Game, Blue has a limited comprehension of Morse code and is capable of communicating simple words using clicking or hissing sounds. This has not been demonstrated in S/F canon proper.


Because Blue was used as a behavioral specimen in I.B.R.I.S. for three years, a degree of understanding has been achieved on how she views herself. Blue appears fully aware of her prowess as a hunter and has maintained this understanding since at least , before she had ever experienced life in the wild. This means that not only did she discern the purpose of her training exercises, she was able to perform a self-assessment and determine that she had excelled in the program. Blue is well aware of her skills and abilities, showing a high degree of confidence in herself, and considers herself to be worthy of alpha status in her social group.

On humans

Blue was bred and raised in captivity, not experiencing the outside world at all until her adulthood. As a result, she has a better understanding of humans than most Velociraptors, and her relationship to them is more complex than normal. The only humans that she is close to are her primary trainers and parental figures, Owen Grady and Barry Sembéne. She has treated them as members of her family unit. Other humans are not granted this honor, and are often viewed with suspicion or even as potential prey. She has even attacked Grady on a few occasions during her rebellious phase, and has rejected his authority in favor of freedom.

However, she is able to distinguish one human from another and remember how they have treated her in the past. During the incidents, for example, she did not harm Zia Rodriguez or Franklin Webb since they provided her with life-saving medical care, but she aggressively attacked mercenaries who had harmed her and Grady. She likely associated Rodriguez and Webb with Grady and concluded that they were friendly, since she did noticeably calm down and become more compliant once Grady arrived. This suggests that she understands human-to-human relationships, a concept that some animals fail to grasp. Since she can read body language fairly well, she can use this to discern whether Grady trusts or distrusts nearby humans. She used this to recognize that the mercenaries employed by Wheatley were enemies, while Rodriguez, Webb, and Claire Dearing were allies. Her intelligence and understanding of human behavior allows Blue to be discerning and selective about who she considers a friend.

In general, Blue appears to consider herself superior to humans because of her physical strength, strong senses, and tactical skills. She recognizes that humans are intelligent social animals like herself, and that they are capable of things she is not. However, humans lack the attributes that result in dominance among Velociraptors. She once considered the Indominus as superior to humans, but rejected this notion upon discovering that this animal had no concept of family or loyalty, traits which humans are capable of.

Though she understands that certain humans are worthy of trust or at least tolerance, she is well aware that her species is not a natural ally to humankind. While raising her daughter Beta, she kept all humans away, even Grady and his family; she had not lost trust in Grady by any means, relying on him for protection from other humans, but rather appears to have wanted Beta to not associate humans with safety until she too learned how to judge which ones are trustworthy.

On nature

While in captivity, Blue would have been just a titanium wall away from the wilds of northeastern Isla Nublar and all the adventure it promised. While the island was being used for entertainment as well as genetic research, the use of invisible fence technology meant that large stretches of forest were retained in their natural state. The smells and sounds of the outside world were tantalizing to Blue and her sisters, who began making escape attempts in their young adulthood. Grady had to outsmart them to prevent these efforts from succeeding.

On the night of December 22, , Blue and her sisters were finally given the chance to leave their paddock for the first time. They were tasked with using their sense of smell to track down an animal in the jungle, and once released, Blue led her sisters on an exhilarating run. This was also their first genuine hunt; all the previous ones had been exercises, orchestrated by InGen staff. During the operation, Blue and her sisters rejected Grady as their alpha in favor of the Indominus, having been seduced by the possibility of freedom in nature. This ended badly for all involved; Charlie was killed in a firefight, and when Blue refused to kill Grady, she was incapacitated while Delta and Echo were killed. After the fight ended, Blue considered returning to Grady&#;s side, but he sent her to live in the wild; she took this opportunity immediately.

Since this disastrous first night in the wild, Blue&#;s experiences in nature have been a constant struggle to survive. Independence, which had always tempted her when in captivity, turned out to have costs she had not anticipated. For almost three years, she scraped by on the island, fighting for enough to eat and a space to live in safety.

In the summer of , Blue was presented with the opportunity to return to captivity. Grady, along with a group of mercenary poachers, came to the island to retrieve her as volcanic activity threatened to destroy Isla Nublar&#;s ecosystem. While Blue was initially aggressive, she quickly calmed as she recognized Grady. Before she could make a decision, however, the mercenaries who Grady was working with moved in and subdued Blue and Grady in an act of betrayal. Blue was grievously wounded in the battle; Grady helped to nurse her back to health. In the wild, she would never have had the chance to recover and would surely have died from such a wound. Captivity offered her safety that nature did not. The following day, she faced the inevitable choice between the two. Grady offered her the chance to come back into captivity, while dozens of other dinosaurs fled into the wild. Ultimately, Blue chose the life of risky freedom offered by nature over the safety and comfort offered by submitting to human civilization.

On family

Blue is a social animal by nature. She was raised from infancy with a close father figure and three younger sisters, all of whom shared a close bond. When she was a year old, Barry Sembéne joined her family and was accepted into the fold. Blue&#;s family is of utmost importance to her, and she has consistently chosen to protect it even at personal cost.

This is not to say she has lived in complete harmony with her family. Her sister Echo challenged her for dominance in their youth, resulting in a brutal fight between them. She has also led her sisters in rebellion against their father figure Owen Grady on several occasions, even threatening to attack him. The incident at Jurassic World was more than just a corporate disaster; for Blue, it was a family crisis. She took the opportunity to reject Grady&#;s authority over her when the Indominus presented itself as a superior alpha. In the ensuing firefight with InGen Security, Blue&#;s youngest sister Charlie was killed. Blue became furious, attacking Sembéne in a rage. The two came within inches of killing one another before Grady intervened; Blue turned her fury on him. Ultimately, she calmed down, not blaming him for Charlie&#;s death. Still, their relationship would not be the same after her first real taste of freedom. Before they could reconcile everything that had happened, the Indominus gave a kill order, which Blue refused. The Indominus retaliated with a debilitating slap that left Blue semi-conscious. Her family presumed her dead and attacked the Indominus, which led to the deaths of Delta and Echo. Once she recovered from the strike, Blue launched an assault on the Indominus. Blue only survived due to the intervention of another dinosaur, which she could not have predicted; it appears she was ready to die in this act of vengeance.

Family ties were a major source of conflict for Blue during the incident as well. She was targeted because of her emotional intelligence, which was part of what had made her such an effective big sister in her family unit. Henry Wu, her creator (but not an important figure in her family life), intended to use her as a surrogate mother for future Indoraptors which would be engineered with her DNA instead of generic Velociraptor. Owen Grady was recruited to capture her under the premise of saving her from an impending natural disaster, his employers capitalizing on his familial relationship to Blue to lure her out. This succeeded, and as a result, Blue was captured by poachers and seriously wounded. Grady redeemed himself by saving her life, and Blue returned the favor by fighting off the prototype Indoraptor as the creature threatened Grady. She was then faced with the difficult choice between the wild and her last remaining family. In a major step for her own maturity as an adult animal, Blue chose independence.

Today, Blue has become a parent. Her genome was supplemented by DNA from a type of monitor lizard capable of parthenogenesis, so Blue was able to have a daughter despite the lack of mates in her habitat. She is ferociously protective of her daughter Beta, the first other Velociraptor she encountered since late and perhaps the only other member of her particular variant. While Beta was growing up, Blue was sure to teach her everything she had learned from her own years of survival in the wild. She also protected Beta from humans, which was a complicated situation: Grady lived nearby, and Blue still trusted him to protect her from other more dangerous humans, but she could not have Beta spend too much time around Grady&#;s family until she learned that not all humans are trustworthy. This led to Blue having to threaten Grady and his family members when they came too close to Beta. She also turned on them out of anger after Beta was kidnapped, but upon Beta&#;s safe return with Grady&#;s help, Blue has accepted that he is still worthy of her trust.

Owen Grady

InGen Security animal behaviorist Owen Grady was the first family member Blue met. He was the first creature she saw when she hatched in , so she imprinted on him as a parent. From then on, he fulfilled the role of father figure. Grady had been hired by InGen to be lead researcher on the I.B.R.I.S. Project, which sought to research the animal intelligence of deinonychosaurs to better human interactions with them. During Blue&#;s youth, Grady formed an especially strong bond with her because of her exceptional emotional intelligence. Blue expressed more empathy than her younger sisters, clearly caring for Grady&#;s wellbeing and following his lead. She learned quickly as he taught her commands to respond to.

As she grew into adolescence, Blue began to challenge Grady&#;s authority. After all, she was stronger than him and a better hunter; even if she was not necessarily smarter than him, she certainly had a better understanding of Velociraptor intelligence than any human. She led her sisters in escape attempts, which Grady thwarted each time. By , Grady had to reinforce his position as alpha by making a point of feeding Blue last, making her wait longer for a reward after a successful performance or during scheduled feeding times.

On December 22, , there was an incident at the raptor paddock which required Grady to enter in order to protect another employee. This placed him in a position where the raptors could harm him, at the risk of being fired upon by InGen&#;s taser rifles. Blue approached Grady, hissing and growling at him and gaping her jaw aggressively. However, she did not attack, and so her sisters also held back. Even so, they slowly advanced on Grady as he backed away toward the paddock&#;s closing gates, making to pin him against the wall. Only Blue&#;s obedience to Grady&#;s hand gestures prevented their attack. When the gates were almost closed, Grady dove underneath; as soon as he showed a moment of vulnerability, Blue and her sisters launched an attack, but were stopped due to the gates closing right after Grady&#;s dive.

That same day, Grady took Blue and her sisters in their first out-of-paddock hunt. He did not lead, instead letting the raptors chase down their target using their superior sense of smell. When they located the target, the Indominus rex, the raptors established a form of communication with it and quickly realized that this animal met all the alpha criteria: it was huge and powerful, intelligent and confident, and armed with impressive hunting implements. Grady, by comparison, was an inferior alpha. Blue, who had already been questioning his authority, now considered turning on him, a decision made for her when InGen Security opened fire.

Blue did not attack her human family right away, focusing on the Security personnel who had threatened her. Grady, however, immediately warned Security that Blue was now an enemy. During the firefight, Charlie was killed, and Blue flew into a rage. She attacked Barry Sembéne, Grady&#;s friend and her caretaker, and Grady got Blue&#;s attention in order to draw her away.

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After pursuing Grady and his allies to the Innovation Center, Blue set up an ambush and confronted him directly. Even after all they had been through, she hesitated to attack her parent. He was able to calm her, and she accepted that what had happened was not his fault. He removed the harness that InGen Security had equipped her with, signifying that she could have the freedom she had wanted so badly. This gesture won Blue over again, and she refused to kill any of the humans at the orders of the Indominus. This act of defiance almost cost Blue her life. The ensuing battle killed both Delta and Echo, leaving Blue alone; she attempted to rejoin Grady after the fight was over, but he did not take her back. Instead, she left for the wilds of the soon-to-be-abandoned Isla Nublar.

For a few years, Blue lived alone. She did not encounter Grady again until June 23, . By that time, the island was threatened by volcanic activity and Blue, like the other dinosaurs, was in a perpetual struggle for survival. Grady tracked Blue to her nesting site, and she confronted him aggressively at first. However, she recognized him quickly, though she was hesitant to trust him after being abandoned three years ago. Just as she was about to allow him to pet her snout as they had done when she was in captivity, she was hit with a tranquilizer dart and they were surrounded by mercenaries. Blue panicked, though she could tell from Grady&#;s body language that he had not expected this to happen. She saw one of the mercenaries aim a gun at them, with Grady in the line of fire, and shoved him to the ground in order to attack the man. She killed the threat, but was shot in the shoulder for her efforts.

Grady was separated from her for a time after he was subdued himself, and Blue slipped in and out of consciousness for a while. He found his way back to her on the S.S. Arcadia, and with help, obtained enough compatible tetanuran blood to perform a xenotransfusion and save her life. She recovered, but was separated from him again. Once she was released by Grady&#;s allies, it was her turn to seek him out. She tracked him through an unfamiliar environment and eventually found him confronting a bizarre and menacing dinosaur, which she protected him against. She overcame this enemy and saved the life of her only remaining family. Despite having the opportunity to join him and live together again, she turned the offer down. While her bond with Grady is still intact, she no longer needs a parental figure to survive. The allure of freedom in the wild, and the captivity that civilization mandates, have led her to choose a life of independence.

For several years, Blue traveled around the American West, but when it came time to reproduce she returned to Grady&#;s property. With offspring on the way, she settled near him for the protection of a human she could trust, knowing full well that there were many dangers in the wilderness, less friendly humans chief among them. Although she knew that Grady and his family meant no harm, when her daughter Beta hatched, Blue still kept the humans away; she did not want Beta getting the idea that humans were in general trustworthy. This led to Blue having a few confrontations with Grady when Beta got too close, culminating with Beta being kidnapped by poachers. Out of anger, Blue lashed out at Grady, seeing him as having failed in his duties as protector. Fortunately, Grady took it upon himself to find Beta and return her home. Having made things right, he earned Blue&#;s forgiveness and regained her full trust.


The next oldest of Blue&#;s family, Delta was a born hunter. She had the best reflexes of her sisters and superior night vision thanks to her genetic modifications. This meant that she was a trusted partner on hunts in any environment, and Blue cooperated well with her. However, Delta did not have the same level of emotional intelligence as Blue, and did not grow quite as large or strong. Delta respected Blue&#;s leadership from a very early age and they are not known to have had any major conflicts.

With each of Blue&#;s choices as pack leader, Delta followed suit. If Blue chose to follow an order given by Grady, Delta would obey out of respect for Blue more than her father figure. Likewise, if Blue rebelled, so would Delta. During the incident, they worked as a team to hunt down the Indominus; when they discovered it, Blue negotiated with the new animal and affirmed it as a superior alpha to Grady. When this decision was reached, Delta accepted it without protest. Blue entrusted Delta with hunting down Grady and driving him into an ambush, but when Blue realized that the Indominus had no sense of family or loyalty, she rejected her leadership; Delta did not question Blue going back on her initial judgment. When Blue appeared to be dead after the spurned Indominus lashed out at her, Delta respected Blue&#;s final decision and chose to treat Grady as her alpha again. This act would cost Delta her life.

After Delta was killed, Blue managed to recover enough to attack the Indominus directly. She did this with no real plan of defeating the creature; she may not have intended to win at all. Blue survived due to the timely intervention of another dinosaur, and instead of another act of despair or anger, she chose to go on living.


Blue&#;s second-youngest sibling was Echo, a tactically skilled hunter like Delta, but with rebellious tendencies to rival Blue&#;s own. When they were hatchlings, Echo initially respected the authority that Blue established from an early age. However, at one point, Echo saw fit to challenge Blue for the pack&#;s beta position, despite Blue&#;s superior size, strength, and intelligence. The result was a brutal fight which left Echo with damage to her jaw. Jurassic World&#;s paleoveterinarians were able to repair her jaw, but the scarring was permanent and gave her a perpetual sneer.

Despite their clash, Echo and Blue made amends. During their young adulthood, Echo trusted Blue&#;s decisions as leader and followed suit whenever she made a major choice. If Blue respected Grady, so did Echo; if Blue rebelled, Echo did as well. While Echo was the first to respond to the calls of the Indominus, she let the more insightful Blue do the negotiating and followed her lead when Blue decided that the hybrid animal would be a better alpha than Grady. Echo dutifully carried out Blue&#;s orders during the battles that followed, helping Blue to set up an ambush for Grady as Delta flushed their prey out. However, Blue ultimately realized that the Indominus did not have mutual respect for her like Grady did, and that the creature did not offer loyalty. This led to Blue choosing Grady once again, and Echo did not question her judgment. When the Indominus swatted Blue away in retaliation, she was presumed dead, but Echo remained loyal to Grady in compliance with Blue&#;s last order as beta. This act of familial loyalty ended in Echo&#;s death in battle.

Blue had not died in the assault, but could not communicate this to her sisters. Instead, she could only watch as they died quick but painful deaths. She recovered enough to launch her own attack on the Indominus alone with no apparent strategy. Blue may not have planned on surviving this act of revenge at all. However, another dinosaur intervened unexpectedly, and Blue did survive the clash; rather than make any more rash acts out of rage, Blue chose to live.


The youngest of Blue&#;s sisters was Charlie, though apparently only the youngest by a small amount as they were actually close in age. Nonetheless, Charlie certainly acted the little sister, showing an immature and energetic personality unlike Delta or Echo. From an early age, Charlie displayed great respect for her eldest sister, following her lead during activities and exercises. If Blue chose to obey a command given by Grady, Charlie would do so as well, and likewise if Blue opted to ignore a command or rebel against their father figure. In fact, Charlie&#;s lack of maturity and reliance upon her natural instincts made Blue the only means that Grady had to keep Charlie reined in.

Although she was the youngest and therefore least experienced, Blue put a great deal of trust in Charlie because of her loyalty. Grady would intentionally feed Blue last to reinforce his dominance in the hierarchy, but if Charlie felt that Blue was not getting enough to eat, she would willingly give up meals for her beta. Blue and Charlie were exceptionally close as sisters.

During the incident, Charlie followed Blue in rebellion against Grady when the Indominus presented herself as a superior alpha. In the fight that followed, Charlie encountered Grady, but did not act aggressively; instead, she showed signs of familiarity and even trust. This suggests that she may not have fully understood the purpose of Blue&#;s choice, or that she realized sooner than Blue did that Grady&#;s familial love for his raptors made him an effective leader despite his inferior physical abilities in comparison to a dinosaur. Whatever Charlie&#;s thoughts in that moment, she was suddenly killed by an InGen soldier. Blue either witnessed this or quickly became aware of it, as she immediately flew into a rage and attacked their caregiver Sembéne as well as Grady. She was relentless in her pursuit of Grady as the night went on, apparently blaming him for the death of her most devoted sister. At the end, though, Blue appears to have come to realize that Grady was not to blame for Charlie&#;s death.

Barry Sembéne

When Blue was roughly a year old, her family grew by one human. Owen Grady&#;s old friend Barry Sembéne was brought to Isla Nublar to join the I.B.R.I.S. Project as an animal caretaker, helping to manage the raptors as their social behavior was more complex than anticipated. While Grady was the primary trainer, Sembéne helped to keep the animals healthy and happy by providing close personal care to them.

Although Sembéne tended to the raptors closely for the next two years, he maintained a sense of caution about them. He was well aware of their power and skill on the hunt and hardly trusted Grady himself to be in the paddock with them. Sembéne expressed doubts that the raptors would ever be trustworthy enough to be let out of the paddock, believing that they would take any opportunity to reject human leadership and make their own way. His assessment was not inaccurate; when the raptors were presented with the Indominus in the wild, they accepted it as their new alpha in place of Grady. This led to a firefight with InGen Security, in which Charlie died.

Blue turned on Sembéne immediately upon Charlie&#;s death, blaming her human family for allowing this to happen. Sembéne sheltered in a log to avoid being torn apart. He drew his gun but did not fire, instead shouting Blue&#;s name as she dug her way inside. At hearing his voice, she hesitated for a moment and peered inside the log; her thoughts at this point are unclear. Grady drew her away to save his friend, leaving Sembéne to make his way back to civilization alone. Since Sembéne was not present when Blue rejected the Indominus, he would have had only Grady&#;s testimony to go on. He did not join in the Dinosaur Protection Group&#;s mission to save Blue and other animals from Isla Nublar in , although it is not clear if he was contacted for it. Though he and Blue have not seen each other in years, Sembéne works for the French government combating dinosaur poachers, and played a key role in tracking down and returning Blue&#;s daughter Beta when she was kidnapped in .


In October of , Blue laid a single egg. She had not seen another member of her kind in slightly over six years, but this was no unfertilized postovulatory egg; it bore a parthenote daughter, a female raptor identical to Blue who was later named Beta.

Blue raised Beta in a nest she made in a hidden location near Owen Grady&#;s property in Northern California, at the northern end of the Sierra Nevada mountain range. Here they were away from major population centers, and there were plenty of animals to eat. But the world was far from safe, and Blue took every measure she could to keep Beta from danger and teach her how to survive in the wild. Over her first few weeks of life, Beta learned how to hunt and kill prey, and defend herself from animal threats. She was curious about humans, despite the danger they could pose, and since Blue was not aggressive toward Grady&#;s family, Beta eventually started trying to interact with them. Concerned about Beta failing to recognize how hazardous humans could be, Blue tried her best to keep them separate until Beta grew old enough to learn, even going so far as to threaten Grady and the others during encounters.

Despite all of Blue&#;s precautions, Beta ultimately learned her lesson the hard way when she was captured by poachers who had tracked down the nest&#;s location. Blue was furious and anguished, lashing out at Grady, but both of them having failed to stop the attack. For a considerable amount of time Blue and Beta were separated. Fortunately, Grady and Dearing had allies who could help put things right, and eventually Beta was rescued and brought home. During her journeys Beta had encountered humans both helpful and harmful, and had begun to learn how to tell the difference. She and Blue still live together in the Sierra Nevada, the young raptor growing up to be strong and resourceful like her mother.

Vic Hoskins and InGen Security

I.B.R.I.S. was an InGen Security project from its inception, with the planning stages occurring well before Blue or her sisters were even a concept. She was hatched into a program overseen by Security&#;s leading mind Vic Hoskins, whose aims for the project were to determine whether genetically-modified Velociraptors could be used as military animals in the same manner as dogs and other modern species. This aspect of I.B.R.I.S. was its most controversial, with some Security employees such as Grady and Sembéne strongly opposing it. Hoskins began pressing for a field test in when it was determined that the raptors&#; social behavior was more complex than originally anticipated.

Although Hoskins was the project overseer, he was not frequently at the paddock. Instead, he received updates from his employees, particularly Grady and Sembéne, but also the ACU troopers employed to watch the paddock. The troopers were tasked with keeping a close eye on Blue and her sisters and acting to prevent escapes. Other staff at the paddock, including handlers such as Colby Boothman-Shepard, may have been employed by InGen Security. Two handlers including Boothman-Shepard were threatened by Blue and her sisters in , with the unnamed handler being wounded so badly that they could no longer continue working at the paddock. It is not known if this handler survived the injuries. Blue and two of her sisters attempted to attack Boothman-Shepard during an incident in which he was dragged into the paddock, but their attempt was halted by Grady and other InGen Security staff.

During the night of December 22, , Hoskins brought a number of InGen Security contractors and soldiers to Isla Nublar and commandeered I.B.R.I.S. following Simon Masrani&#;s death. These members of Security were not part of Jurassic World&#;s staff, so Blue was unfamiliar with them. Furthermore, she would have read from Grady and Sembéne&#;s body language that these new men were not trustworthy, though the fact that her trainers were working with them may have confused her. She witnessed Grady punch Hoskins, which would probably have led to her confirming Hoskins as a foe.

InGen Security accompanied Blue and her family on their first out-of-paddock hunt, which led to her encountering the Indominus. This creature convinced her to abandon Grady, and moments later the Security personnel were ordered remotely by Hoskins to open fire on the Indominus. The raptors initially fled from the gunfire but then turned on Security, using ambush tactics to pick them off one by one. Blue killed some of these targets herself. Her youngest sister Charlie was killed by Security, which infuriated Blue; even her former trainers were not safe from her wrath after this. She did not calm until later that night, but her efforts led to the death of Hoskins. He was not a planned target, but was in the wrong place at the wrong time when Blue sent Delta to flush Grady out of the Innovation Center and into an ambush.

With the evacuation of InGen Security from the island the following day, Blue&#;s freedom to roam was no longer restrained by human intervention. This was briefly interrupted three months later when InGen Security (now headed by Kurt Reed) landed on the island to try and retrieve a Troodon which former Jurassic World scientists had returned there. Blue, along with the scientists and other island wildlife, repelled the InGen Security invasion from her home; by the end of this incident, Reed and many of his personnel had died.

It is unknown whether any of the mercenaries involved with the incidents were former InGen Security, but their efficiency at capturing dinosaurs suggests that some may have been.

Dr. Henry Wu

Like all of InGen&#;s dinosaurs, Blue&#;s genome was constructed by geneticist Dr. Henry Wu. She was a particular specimen, engineered with genes from the black-throated monitor which affected her appearance and physiology. Blue was engineered to be more suitable for the I.B.R.I.S. Project, since the older raptor varieties had failed due to unpredictable aggression.

Despite being Blue&#;s creator, Dr. Wu does not appear to have been present for much of her life. After she graduated from the Hammond Creation Lab&#;s hatchery, she likely did not see him often at all, since he rarely left the lab. However, Wu did also create the Indominus, which was a major turning point in Blue&#;s life in .

After years of living in the wild on her own, Wu would unexpectedly become an influence in Blue&#;s life again. He was the reason for the illegal &#;rescue&#; operation that struck Isla Nublar shortly before the eruption of Mount Sibo, which brought Blue back in touch with Grady and relocated her to the American mainland. Blue briefly met with Wu there; he intended to obtain blood samples from her to further his research, but was assaulted by DPG activist Franklin Webb and dragged to safety by his security staff. Blue was released, and the ensuing firefight destroyed Wu&#;s lab. This, and other concurrent events, likely set back Wu&#;s research considerably.

Although they likely never encountered each other again, it was at Wu&#;s request that poachers were sent to kidnap Beta. He needed her as a research specimen, gaining from her information that helped him undo his mistakes. After his research was done, Wu allowed Beta to return home safely.

The Indominus

On her first out-of-paddock hunt, Blue was tasked with tracking down an unknown animal by scent using a piece of its flesh. She led her sisters on a breakneck hunt through the island&#;s northern jungle, slowing down only when she smelled the creature nearby. They heard its vocalization, which sounded surprisingly familiar, and Echo responded to it. The animal revealed herself: an enormous theropod the likes of which Blue would never have seen before, the Indominus rex. This animal was able to understand the raptors&#; vocalizations and respond in turn. Blue asserted her status as the pack&#;s beta as the dinosaurs sized one another up.

The Indominus appeared, to Blue and her sisters, to be everything a raptor would look for in an alpha and leader. She was powerful, much more so than any human or even a raptor, with deadly claws and teeth. She was also intelligent and confident, traits that are highly valued in raptor alphas. Blue was also aware of one other advantage the Indominus could provide as an alpha: the freedom to live outside of her paddock walls, no longer confined or restricted. She rejected Grady in favor of this new and alluring leader.

As beta to the Indominus, Blue was tasked with leading her sisters in a fight against InGen Security which led to Charlie&#;s death. Blue did not appear to blame the Indominus for this, instead turning her rage on her former trainers and the rest of InGen. She pursued Grady and his human allies away from the battleground and past the raptor paddock, but fell behind during the chase. She and her surviving sisters regrouped with the Indominus in the jungle. They made their way toward their new leader&#;s original destination: the hotel, where all the park visitors were packed waiting to be evacuated. This worked in favor of Blue, since Grady and his friends were at the Innovation Center just across the Lagoon from the hotel. She and her sisters went ahead of the Indominus to find Grady.

They tracked him to the Innovation Center. Delta went inside to flush him out, and Blue stayed with Echo to ambush him when he was chased outside. When they had him surrounded, though, she hesitated and did not give the kill order. She came to realize that Grady was a superior alpha to the Indominus for one vital reason: he treated her with respect, while the Indominus did not. When her new alpha caught up with them, Blue was instructed to kill Grady and the others. Knowing now that the Indominus neither respected nor cared for her, she refused, rejecting the dinosaur as her alpha. But unlike Grady, who forgave her for rebelling, the Indominus could not tolerate any challenge to her authority and slapped Blue into a concrete storefront. She was stunned, appearing dead to her family, who fought fiercely with the Indominus.

Blue had not died, but was down for the count long enough that both Delta and Echo had died by the time she recovered enough to stand. The Indominus had also done battle with another apex predator, the park&#;s Tyrannosaurus, but had overpowered even this rival. She was on the verge of dealing a killing blow when Blue announced her survival, giving a defiant bark and charging the Indominus. The latter was too shocked to react right away as Blue leapt at her head, biting and clawing. At this point, Blue had little hope of winning, but also had little left to lose. Her life would be saved, though, by the Indominus&#;s other enemy; the distraction Blue provided gave the tyrannosaur enough time to get to her feet again as well. Unable to contend with this combined assault, the Indominus was forced down Main Street to the edge of the Jurassic World Lagoon, where she was snatched by the park&#;s Mosasaurus and pulled under. With the Indominus dead, the threat to the island subsided.

Her brief time with the Indominus gave Blue her first real taste of freedom, but also caused her to give serious thought to what she valued in an alpha. Before the incident, she had considered strength and tactical skill to be of utmost importance. After, she better understood the value of loyalty born of love and the mutual respect that comes with it. As powerful a leader as the Indominus could have been, she did not treat Blue like family and merely used her. Since the Indominus, Blue has bowed to no alpha and chooses to make all decisions for herself.

Claire Dearing

Blue&#;s relationship with Jurassic World&#;s Senior Assets Manager Claire Dearing was mostly one-sided, since Dearing mostly supervised all of the park&#;s animals from the control room and other operations facilities. Blue, as a specimen in a high-profile InGen Security project, would have been of particular importance. However, Dearing never actually saw Blue or her sisters in person until the incident, during which the Head of Security Vic Hoskins appropriated the I.B.R.I.S. raptors for a field test. Dearing was not involved with the exercise, but was affected by its aftermath.

After rejecting Owen Grady as her alpha and retaliating against him for Charlie&#;s death, the high-speed chase took Blue to the access road where Dearing was attempting to drive her nephews to safety in a Mobile Veterinary Unit. During the pursuit, Blue attacked the MVU, pouncing at its side as she would a large prey animal. Her head went through the driver&#;s window, endangering Dearing, though Blue&#;s snapping jaws could not quite maneuver around to get her. Dearing swerved to strike Blue off the vehicle on a passing tree, temporarily taking her out of the fray.

Although Dearing was put in the path of Blue&#;s attacks, she was not the main target. Instead, she was in danger through association with Grady. Blue set up an ambush for Grady outside the Innovation Center, and since Dearing was accompanying him, she and her nephews were also caught in the ambush. Blue had her sisters stand down, though, since she came to realize that Grady was a better alpha than the Indominus; Dearing&#;s life was spared as a result.

After the events of , Dearing went on to become a de-extinct animal rights activist and founder of the Dinosaur Protection Group. She often used imagery of Blue to forward their mission, and considered ensuring Blue&#;s safety to be one of the DPG&#;s top priorities. In , she joined with the Lockwood Foundation&#;s manager Eli Mills to remove animals from Isla Nublar in preparation for a volcanic eruption. She was responsible for recruiting Grady for the mission, and therefore was behind Blue&#;s reunion with her father figure. As with her role in Jurassic World, Dearing had little actual interaction with Blue as head of the DPG. She assisted in performing emergency medical procedures on board the S.S. Arcadia, saving Blue&#;s life. For most of the incidents of , they were separated from each other; Blue only rejoined Dearing late into the night of June 24. Both of them arrived on the scene to rescue Grady from the Indoraptor; Dearing lured the creature into a dangerous position on top of a sunroof, while Blue ambushed their enemy from the side and caused it to fall to its death. Blue and Dearing were acting independently and had not intentionally coordinated their actions.

From then on, Dearing lived with Grady and Maisie Lockwood, and eventually Blue settled down in the same neighborhood that Dearing and her new family lived in. By then Blue had a daughter of her own, Beta. While Dearing was now on Blue&#;s list of humans worthy of at least tolerance, if not trust, it was imperative that Beta learn not to become too comfortable around humans in general. Therefore, Dearing and Beta were kept apart during the young raptor&#;s early life. When Beta was captured by poachers, an irate Blue threatened Dearing, though it was really Grady she was angry with; nonetheless, Dearing played an integral role in returning Beta home.

Park visitors

Tourists at Jurassic World were unable to see Blue or her sisters in person, since they were classified for I.B.R.I.S. research and not accessible to the general public. Her body was scanned at one point and used in the Innovation Center&#;s holoscape, making Blue an unknowing ambassador for her species to park guests. Her only direct interaction with visitors to Jurassic World was with two members of Camp Cretaceous, Kenji Kon and Darius Bowman, who trespassed into the raptor paddock on December 19, ; in particular, Kon photographed Blue, violating the secrecy of I.B.R.I.S. While Blue and her sisters moved in to attack the two teenagers, they were stopped by the park rangers along with Camp Cretaceous counselors Dave and Roxie.

The members of Camp Cretaceous encountered her again the next year. While she was unaware of their actions, they saved her and numerous other dinosaurs from being killed by trophy hunters in February, helped by a young Ankylosaurus named Bumpy. A few times she met them directly. In June, Darius Bowman and Kenji Kon unknowingly invaded her home along with a third camper, Yasmina Fadoula. Blue chased them away, but during the conflict became trapped underneath a rolled vehicle. The campers saved her life in an act of mercy, so she spared them in turn. They seemingly violated this trust shortly after, invading her home again with a tranquilizer gun she had specifically indicated as a threatening weapon. There were now six humans involved (the three she had previously met along with Brooklynn, Ben Pincus, and Sammy Gutierrez). The reason for the campers&#; second trespass soon became clear, though; they were in conflict with a far more threatening creature, the grotesque Scorpios rex. Blue still feared that the campers would use the tranquilizer gun on her, but when Darius made a clear demonstration that he would relinquish the rifle, Blue ignored the humans and fought the menacing hybrids instead. During the fight, the roof of the Visitors&#; Centre collapsed. The campers had destroyed Blue&#;s nest, but also helped kill two creatures that would have endangered her life, so she considered the deed done and left the humans alone to go nest elsewhere.

Other InGen staff

While access to the raptor research paddock was restricted to certain personnel, many members of InGen were at least aware of Blue&#;s existence. She was probably researched by geneticists due to her unique genomic constitution, and was cared for by paleoveterinarians and other animal handler staff members. The I.B.R.I.S. Project involved various other researchers, and had been authorized by Masrani Global Corporation&#;s CEO Simon Masrani; he hoped that the raptors could be integrated into a park environment if they were properly understood. Masrani opposed Vic Hoskins&#;s plan to market the raptors as military animals.

Zach and Gray Mitchell

Blue was briefly involved with the Mitchell brothers&#; misadventures in Jurassic World during the incident. They accompanied their aunt Claire Dearing and her romantic partner Owen Grady to the raptor paddock on the night of December 22, though they were not intended to be a part of the action. Instead, they were there to ensure that Dearing could keep watch over them personally. After the Indominus seduced the raptors away from Grady, a high-speed chase down the service road between the paddock and Sector 3 ensued. The Mitchells were on board an MVU driven by Dearing and were threatened by Blue and her sisters as they pursued the vehicle.

The Mitchells were also present at the Innovation Center when Blue set up an ambush for Grady, though they were not the main target. As with Dearing, they were threatened only because of their association with Grady, and were spared from further violence when Blue and Grady made amends.

The Tyrannosaurus

While Blue lay prone and semi-conscious during the battle on Main Street, helpless to save her family as the Indominus picked them off one by one, a new contender appeared. Blue would never have seen a creature like her before: an enormous female Tyrannosaurus rex in her late twenties, barging onto Main Street to challenge the Indominus in territorial combat. Despite the older dinosaur&#;s size and strength, she was overpowered, and the Indominus aimed a killing blow.

Blue had, by this time, recovered enough to fight again. The Indominus had been distracted by the sudden appearance of a new foe and had not noticed Blue get back to her feet. Blue gave a defiant bark to get the attention of her enemy and pounced on her face. This act distracted the Indominus from her target once again, allowing the tyrannosaur to get back up just as Blue had. While Blue had not planned for this to happen, it meant that her suicidal attack suddenly had a chance of succeeding. She took full advantage of the situation, even briefly perching on the tyrannosaur to get a better angle to attack the Indominus from. Blue leapt in and out of combat, slicing and gnawing at her enemy whenever she could, which kept the Indominus too distracted to overpower the tyrannosaur again. In turn, the tyrannosaur&#;s heavy assault meant that the Indominus could not risk taking a moment to crush Blue. Neither creature had planned for this alliance to form, but it worked to both of their benefits as their shared enemy was forced to the edge of the lagoon where she was snatched by the park&#;s Mosasaurus and killed.

The tyrannosaur did not show signs of hostility toward Blue, appearing to understand that they had benefited one another and that Blue was not a threat. However, she did use eye contact to establish dominance, and Blue accepted this by assuming a submissive posture. After the incident, they went their separate ways.

During the events of March , during which InGen Security invaded the island, Blue and the tyrannosaur were both briefly involved with the effort to repel the invasion. Though they both had the same goal (to defend their own territory from the humans), they did not actively cooperate and were merely involved in the same events.

Although they inhabited the same ecosystem, there does not appear to have been a close relationship between these dinosaurs while in the wild. Tyrannosaurs are not especially social animals, and raptors seldom form interspecies friendships. They do appear to have recognized one another to some degree; the short film Jurassic World: Blue depicts them as competing for food during a time of heightened volcanic activity, but their fight was very mild with neither creature actively trying to kill the other. Instead, they seemed to be trying to intimidate one another away from the food, and Blue&#;s behavior suggests that she knew the tyrannosaur would not actually kill her.

The two would not encounter one another directly during the incidents. However, during the journey from Isla Nublar to Orick on board the S.S. Arcadia, the tyrannosaur&#;s blood would be used to perform a life-saving xenotransfusion on Blue, who was at risk of dying due to shock and blood loss. In this way, the tyrannosaur indirectly saved Blue.

E750 and offspring

Isla Nublar fell into disarray between February and June due to an unknown assailant that massacred dozens of animals across the island. Blue does not appear to have known about its existence, but would have felt its effects as her food dwindled, compies sought refuge in her home, and the other animals grew stressed and reactive. Finally, in June, the cause manifested in her own home: an unsightly monstrosity of a theropod, a creature called E750. Moments after it made its appearance, a second one joined it. The two creatures expressed intense hatred toward one another, mostly ignoring Blue if they could get at each other instead of her; this allowed Blue to get numerous good strikes in at her foes, but like their relative the Indominus, their hides were too thick for her to really damage.

Fortunately, due to the intervention of a group of young humans, the two hybrid creatures were crushed by the collapsing roof of Blue&#;s home in the Jurassic Park Visitors&#; Centre. With the menace gone, Blue migrated elsewhere to seek out a new place to nest.


In March , a Troodon named Jeanie was brought back to Isla Nublar after having been removed by InGen Security&#;s Kurt Reed. Blue encountered Jeanie for the first time while harrying a Triceratops in order to steal its eggs; she moved in to attack Jeanie&#;s caretakers, Drs. Kate Walker and Martin Riley, and their allies due to her distrust of humans. Jeanie confronted Blue, establishing communication with her and defending her caretakers. While Blue was still mistrustful of the humans, Jeanie&#;s defense of her family may have reminded Blue of her own relationship to Grady, and so Blue left them alone.

The following day, Jeanie sought out Blue intentionally. InGen Security had landed on the island, aiming to capture Jeanie and her offspring as well as Jeanie&#;s scientist caretakers. Blue and Jeanie had a shared enemy in InGen Security, so Blue agreed to cooperate. They worked together to pick off members of Security; this helped Jeanie in that her caretakers were protected, and benefited Blue by driving the invasion away from her home.

After the incident, it does not appear that Blue and Jeanie have had a close relationship. As food sources dwindled on the island, they may have moved to separate territories to avoid competition with one another. Though Jeanie was one of Blue&#;s few friendships in the wild, Jeanie&#;s current status or whereabouts are unknown; she and her daughters have not been seen since and may not have survived the events of the next few years.

Other InGen animals

When Blue was let out of her paddock for the first time on December 22, , she entered into a world of unfamiliar creatures. These included the cunning Indominus and the formidable Tyrannosaurus, her most significant first encounters, but they were far from the only ones. During this same incident she would have first seen the Mosasaurus, a giant aquatic lizard which ambushed the Indominus and ended the conflict. Blue would have had no context for this huge reptile&#;s existence, since she had never encountered aquatic animals at all before this. She presumably kept a respectable distance from the Jurassic World Lagoon after witnessing this creature, at least until it went dormant and then was released from the island six months later.

The area around the Lagoon had also become home to pterosaurs, Pteranodon and Dimorphodon, which may have been among the first animals Blue met in the wild. The latter is small enough to be potential prey, but the former is much larger and could pose a threat to a Velociraptor. She lived alongside flocks of Pteranodons throughout her three years on the island, and according to the short film Jurassic World: Blue, she sometimes competed with them for food.

Also near the Lagoon were attractions such as the Gentle Giants Petting Zoo and the Pachy Arena, which housed herbivorous dinosaurs. The Petting Zoo held mainly juvenile animals; at the time of the incident, it was home to juvenile Triceratops, Apatosaurus, Gallimimus, Stegosaurus, and Parasaurolophus, and is believed to have housed adult Microceratus. The Arena held some of the park&#;s Pachycephalosaurus. These smaller animals were potential prey for Blue, though the older juvenile Triceratops were known to already display some aggression, and the adult pachycephalosaurs may have been too risky to hunt. Around six months after the park was abandoned, Dilophosaurus could be found in the Main Street area. If Blue still frequented this area, these nocturnal hunters could have competed with her for food and territory, their venom giving them an advantage.

Once she moved farther into the wild, Blue would have encountered adult versions of the juvenile animals from the Petting Zoo. She would also have met wholly new species; some were possible prey, but most of the herbivores were too big or too heavily armored for her to safely hunt. Among these was the gigantic Brachiosaurus, the largest terrestrial animal she would have seen, and the impenetrable Ankylosaurus. The region she eventually settled in was home to herbivores such as Stegosaurus, Sinoceratops and Peloroplites, while the nearby plains were inhabited by many more species. Carnivores also lived near her home; while the jungle was thick enough to keep out the largest predators, Blue&#;s nest was found near the hunting grounds of many meat-eating creatures. The skeleton of a large alligatoroid, possibly a Deinosuchus, was found near her nest. Small scavenging Compsognathus could be found in the same area; these had been a common food source for her since her early days in the wild.

While she was one of the smaller carnivores on Isla Nublar, she could still take advantage of her larger neighbors sometimes. She sometimes stole eggs from the nests of other dinosaurs, including Baryonyx and Triceratops, and could even hold her own against subadults of these species. Normally, the fish-eating Baryonyx would not compete with Blue for food, and even subadult Triceratops were too risky to kill. She was seen once harassing a subadult trike away from its nest, though her effort to steal its eggs was unsuccessful. Less dangerous neighbors included Ceratosaurus, a water-loving theropod that hunted mainly by night and was generally more easygoing than other predators.

In June , she participated in a fight against the threatening Scorpios rex, an asexually-reproducing hybrid species that threatened the ecology of the island. When these animals died, a significant predatory pressure was relieved off of the other dinosaurs.

When Blue was removed from Isla Nublar, she was shipped alongside dozens of animals from the island. Some of these were former neighbors, while others were from elsewhere on Isla Nublar. She was not involved with their plight, being kept on the upper level of the lab during the Lockwood incident. Her actions inadvertently threatened the dinosaurs below; she accidentally caused a hydrogen gas explosion in the upper levels, leading to a hydrogen cyanide leak. The ventilation was also damaged, putting the animals in the lower level at risk of death by poisoning. Blue was not present for most of these events, but was outside the manor at the time the other animals were released and would have witnessed their escape to freedom. The dinosaurs are now spread out across the world, so Blue&#;s encounters with them are more sporadic. On occasion she may face down a fellow de-extinct creature; in the early winter of she fought an adolescent female Allosaurus at a middle school in eastern California, and her eventual home in the Sierra Nevada also sees its fair share of wild dinosaurs.

Ken Wheatley and mercenaries

Blue lived relatively free of human contact for almost three years after the incident. This changed in early-to-mid-June , when humans arrived on the island again. These were not the government scientists who had monitored volcanic activity on Isla Nublar (who Blue may not have met), but rather a team of mercenaries led by a hunter named Ken Wheatley. Helicopters and a cargo ship arrived to Isla Nublar, and the mercenaries began tracking and capturing dinosaurs across the island. Blue kept herself hidden in the thickest parts of the jungle, evading attempts at capturing her. Several of Wheatley&#;s men were wounded by Blue during capture efforts, and some of their injuries may have been fatal.

After managing to stay one step ahead of the hunters for some amount of time, Blue was lured into a trap with her former trainer Owen Grady unwittingly acting as bait. She was hit in the neck with a tranquilizer dart and surrounded by several hunters including Wheatley. She spotted one of the mercenaries, who was standing behind Grady and thus out of his field of view, aim a gun at the both of them. Since Grady could not see the threat, Blue knocked him out of the way and tackled the man, driving her claw through his skull to kill him. As her victim fought, futile as his effort was, he managed to shoot her in the shoulder before he died. A combination of shock and carfentanil brought her down, and the mercenaries loaded her onto a transport to take her off the island.

Blue&#;s life-threatening wound was treated by paleoveterinarian Zia Rodriguez while being transported to the mainland, and she recovered enough to behave aggressively toward Wheatley as they approached their destination. Blue was moved to the Lockwood estate&#;s sub-basement laboratory where she and Rodriguez were guarded by the mercenaries. They were unexpectedly aided by Rodriguez&#;s friend and coworker Franklin Webb, leading to Blue&#;s release; she lashed out at the nearest mercenaries, savaging one to death while a second rushed in. She unintentionally tripped him with her tail while tearing apart her first victim; he had been about to shoot her, but as he tripped, he instead shot up the lab&#;s hydrogen tanks. Blue killed the second man as he tried to crawl to safety, then fled the lab as the strange-smelling gas flooded the room and then ignited on sparks from damaged electronics.

Most of the mercenaries were wrapped up in the evacuation as well as the developing situation with the prototype Indoraptor, so Blue was free to roam the manor without being under further threat. As she left the manor after the incident, she avoided these enemies from that point on.

Zia Rodriguez and Franklin Webb

When she and Grady were ambushed by Wheatley and his mercenaries, Blue was shot in the shoulder and suffered dangerous levels of blood loss. With a damaged artery, she would have bled to death had not Dinosaur Protection Group paleoveterinarian Zia Rodriguez bargained with Wheatley to save Blue&#;s life. Rodriguez worked to protect Blue from further harm while she was loaded onto the S.S. Arcadia for transport to the mainland.

Blue found it difficult to trust this new human and resisted her treatment, making it nearly impossible for Rodriguez to operate. Fortunately, help arrived in the form of Owen Grady and Claire Dearing as well as Rodriguez&#;s friend and coworker Franklin Webb. Blue calmed down as she realized that Grady trusted Rodriguez and the others, accepting their help in treating her injury. Webb kept pressure on the wound while Rodriguez operated. With Grady and Dearing&#;s help they obtained a compatible blood sample to perform a xenotransfusion, treating Blue&#;s shock and blood loss while Rodriguez successfully removed the bullet and stitched up Blue&#;s wounds. With her artery sealed up once again and no longer blocked, she began to recover.

Blue and Rodriguez were transported to the Lockwood estate together, temporarily separated from the others, and were held in the manor&#;s laboratory. Rodriguez was tasked by Henry Wu to obtain blood samples, but refused. Instead, Wu delegated this task to a lab technician. Said technician revealed himself to be Webb, who had made his way into the laboratory by posing as staff members under the same employer as Wheatley and Wu. Webb assaulted Wu, leaving him unconscious, and then joined Rodriguez in releasing Blue from her cage. They kept themselves behind the cage door, safely separating themselves from Blue as she emerged and therefore leaving Wu&#;s security staff as her only viable targets. However, it appears that Blue by now understood that these two were helping her, so she may not have attacked them even if she had the chance.

During the battle in the lab, electronics and hydrogen gas tanks were damaged, turning the lab into a bomb. Rodriguez and Webb realized the danger and fled; Blue noticed moments later that an unfamiliar gas was spreading into the room. Since her human allies had fled, Blue likely realized that the new smell meant danger and also ran from the lab; moments later, the gas ignited on stray sparks and caused an explosion. After this, Blue did not follow Rodriguez and Webb any longer; she instead sought out Grady. She did not encounter them again until the incident&#;s end, seeing them along with Grady for a few moments before leaving for the open wild.

The Indoraptor prototype

After escaping Wu&#;s lab in the Lockwood estate, Blue tracked down her former trainer and only surviving family, Owen Grady. The manor was an alien environment to Blue, filled with the smells of countless strangers. She probably tracked Grady by scent, picking his out among dozens of others and following it upward from the lab to the higher floors.

Along with the mingled human and animal scents was the smell of something else, a creature Blue had no knowledge of. Having lived in the wilds of Isla Nublar for almost three years, she would have memorized the scents of its animals, so a new one would have come as a surprise. Its scent may have been somewhat familiar; the creature was like a raptor, but different; like her old enemy the Indominus, but still different. As she tracked Grady, this unfamiliar creature&#;s smell would have gotten stronger too. Finally, she found her father figure&#;and along with him, the mysterious creature. He was a monstrous, gangly animal, a twisted parody of her own species, and his threatening behavior toward Grady left no room for interpretation of his intents. Blue immediately challenged the unnerving beast and savagely fought him through the manor&#;s upper bedroom while Grady and the child he was protecting fled out a window. The creature, called an Indoraptor, was invested in tormenting the child, and so was distracted as Blue fought him. At one point, she pushed him out a window; she then sought another way around to find him again and finish the fight.

She managed to find a safe route back to the Indoraptor, setting up a classic ambush from the side as he was focused on Grady and the child. Blue once more challenged her enemy, getting his attention just as she pounced. She landed directly on her target, and their combined weight broke them through the manor&#;s sun roof and into the display room. The Indoraptor continued to batter Blue as they fell, but his assault was stopped as he landed on a fossil display and was impaled. Blue&#;s smaller size meant that she dodged a similar fate, and she found herself victorious.

Maisie Lockwood

During the incident at the Lockwood estate, Blue first encountered Maisie Lockwood, a young girl who had come under the protection of Blue&#;s father figure Owen Grady. At the time she found them, Grady had been defending Maisie from the prototype Indoraptor, and Blue sprung to Grady&#;s defense. By extent, she was protecting Maisie as well. After the threat was killed, Blue had a calmer encounter with Maisie and the others, Grady there to make her feel safe and comfortable.

As he had once done for Blue, Grady became a father figure to Maisie, and so Maisie and Blue shared this central aspect of their relationship. Maisie aided in tracking Blue&#;s movements across the American West, and eventually, both of them came to live in the northern Sierra Nevada range where Grady had built his cabin. Blue kept an eye on Maisie, but usually stayed just out of sight. Blue lived in the woods nearby, raising her own daughter Beta. The little raptor was curious about the humans, but Blue had to ensure she did not become too accustomed to human contact until she was old enough to distinguish trustworthy people from untrustworthy ones. This meant that Blue tried to keep Maisie and Beta apart. On one occasion, Beta approached Maisie herself, revealing her existence to Grady&#;s family. Blue gave the humans a warning and brought Beta back home, but this led to Beta&#;s kidnapping by an unrelated party; Maisie vanished too, also a kidnapping victim.

When they were both returned home, Maisie and Beta had gone through much together, and Maisie had earned Beta&#;s respect during the journey. Blue had not witnessed any of this, but she could tell Beta was maturing. Her experiences had shown her the full range of human kindness and cruelty alike, and Maisie had been a part of helping bring her home. Though Blue still lives away from human contact, Maisie is among those she can trust.

Other humans

Blue&#;s arrival to the American mainland means that she now encounters members of the general public from time to time, try as she might to avoid them. Having never been a true park attraction, she is unaccustomed to crowds, so while she ventures into suburbs and small towns in search of food, she does not linger there long. Even in the woods, she may have encounters with people who venture into the wilderness, such as hikers or hunters. The latter are a particular concern, since they are armed and fully capable of killing an animal like herself or her daughter Beta.

Legal hunters are one matter, and Blue has defended herself from them with lethal force. But poachers are altogether a different threat, already operating outside the law and with little concern for animal welfare. When poachers go out on the hunt for de-extinct animals, they come packing more advanced weaponry and trapping equipment, some of it even old InGen supplies put on the market after Jurassic World&#;s closure. They present the biggest challenge to Blue&#;s survival, and to withstand them she has taken up living near Owen Grady&#;s property to enlist his protection. Even then, some poachers have proven crafty enough to get past his defenses; in late her territory was staked out by a gang of American poachers led by Rainn Delacourt, and one of their traps captured Beta. Though she was eventually rescued, poachers remain a major threat to Blue&#;s family.


Blue is portrayed through a combination of motion-capture animation, computer-generated imagery, and animatronics (including a human-operated animatronic costume in Jurassic World Live). Blue&#;s motion reference in Jurassic World was performed by Hamid-Reza Benjamin Thompson. In Jurassic World: Fallen Kingdom, one of Blue&#;s motion captor actors was Pete Hawkins. Like most of the characters in the sequel trilogy, she is not based on any particular character from Michael Crichton&#;s novels.

Fan reception of Blue was originally broken along age lines, with older fans expressing distaste for raptors doing anything other than threatening people. She is commonly misremembered as being &#;heroic&#; and morally good, although it is explicitly shown in all of her film appearances that she is morally neutral and chiefly acts to defend herself and her family. Marketing aimed at younger fans, however, does characterize Blue as a hero, contrary to what is actually shown on-screen. Over time, older fans have come to accept Blue&#;s existence more, especially as time allows for the films to be discussed more and remembered differently than when they first came out in theaters.

Blue&#;s characterization is meant to demonstrate the raptors&#; intelligence in ways other than hunting strategy, focusing more on how raptors interpret other creatures around them. Blue analyzes, thinks, and responds to her environment in a way appropriate for an animal of her intelligence; unfortunately, because Owen Grady has a tendency to anthropomorphize animals&#; thought processes and behavior, many members of the audience follow suit. The films generally do not have other characters call him out on it, so his bias is never highlighted.

Disambiguation Links

B-420 &#;Blue&#; (L/M)

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