Jan. 06, 2025
Measurement Instruments
by Tom Nelligan
Of all the applications of industrial ultrasonic testing, flaw detection is the oldest and the most common. Since the s, the laws of physics that govern the propagation of sound waves through solid materials have been used to detect hidden cracks, voids, porosity, and other internal discontinuities in metals, composites, plastics, and ceramics. High frequency sound waves reflect from flaws in predictable ways, producing distinctive echo patterns that can be displayed and
recorded by portable instruments. Ultrasonic testing is completely nondestructive and safe, and it is a well established test method in many basic manufacturing, process, and service industries, especially in applications involving welds and structural metals. This paper provides a brief introduction to the theory and practice of ultrasonic flaw detection. It is intended only as an overview of the topic. Additional detailed information may be found in the references listed at
the end.
For more information, please visit AJR.
1. Basic Theory: Sound waves are simply organized mechanical vibrations traveling through a medium, which may be a solid, a liquid, or a gas. These waves will travel through a given medium at a specific speed or velocity, in a predictable direction, and when they encounter a boundary with a different medium they will be reflected or transmitted according to simple rules. This is the principle of physics that underlies ultrasonic flaw detection.
Frequency: All sound waves oscillate at a specific frequency, or number of vibrations or cycles per second, which we experience as pitch in the familiar range of audible sound. Human hearing extends to a maximum frequency of about 20,000 cycles per second (20 KHz), while the majority of ultrasonic flaw detection applications utilize frequencies between 500,000 and 10,000,000 cycles per second (500 KHz to 10 MHz). At frequencies in the megahertz range, sound
energy does not travel efficiently through air or other gasses, but it travels freely through most liquids and common engineering materials.
Velocity: The speed of a sound wave varies depending on the medium through which it is traveling, affected by the medium's density and elastic properties. Different types of sound waves (see Modes of Propagation, below) will travel at different velocities.
Wavelength: Any type of wave will have an associated wavelength, which is the distance between any two corresponding points in the wave cycle as it travels through a medium. Wavelength is related to frequency and velocity by the simple equation
λ = c/f
λ = wavelength
c = sound velocity
f = frequency
Wavelength is a limiting factor that controls the amount of information that can be derived from the behavior of a wave. In ultrasonic flaw detection, the generally accepted lower limit of detection for a small flaw is one-half wavelength. Anything smaller than that will be invisible. In ultrasonic thickness gaging, the theoretical minimum measurable thickness one wavelength.
Modes of Propagation: Sound waves in solids can exist in various modes of propagation that are defined by the type of motion involved. Longitudinal waves and shear waves are the most common modes employed in ultrasonic flaw detection. Surface waves and plate waves are also used on occasion.
- A longitudinal or compressional wave is characterized by particle motion in the same direction as wave propagation, as from a piston source. Audible sound exists as longitudinal waves.
- A shear or transverse wave is characterized by particle motion perpendicular to the direction of wave propagation.
- A surface or Rayleigh wave has an elliptical particle motion and it travels across the surface of a material, penetrating to a depth of approximately one wavelength.
- A plate or Lamb wave is a complex mode of vibration in thin plates where material thickness is less than one wavelength and the wave fills the entire cross-section of the medium.
Sound waves may be converted from one form to another. Most commonly, shear waves are generated in a test material by introducing longitudinal waves at a selected angle. This is discussion further under Angle Beam Testing in Section 4.
Variables Limiting Transmission of Sound Waves: The distance that a wave of a given frequency and energy level will travel depends on the material through which it is traveling. As a general rule, materials that are hard and homogeneous will transmit sound waves more efficiently than those that are soft and heterogeneous or granular. Three factors govern the distance a sound wave will travel in a given medium: beam spreading, attenuation, and scattering. As the
beam travels, the leading edge becomes wider, the energy associated with the wave is spread over a larger area, and eventually the energy dissipates. Attenuation is energy loss associated with sound transmission through a medium, essentially the degree to which energy is absorbed as the wave front moves forward. Scattering is random reflection of sound energy from grain boundaries and similar microstructure. As frequency goes down, beam spreading increases but the effects of
attenuation and scattering are reduced. For a given application, transducer frequency should be selected to optimize these variables.
Reflection at a Boundary: When sound energy traveling through a material encounters a boundary with another material, a portion of the energy will be reflected back and a portion will be transmitted through. The amount of energy reflected, or reflection coefficient, is related to the relative acoustic impedance of the two materials. Acoustic impedance in turn is a material property defined as density multiplied by the speed of sound in a given material. For any
two materials, the reflection coefficient as a percentage of incident energy pressure may be calculated through the formula
R = reflection coefficient (percentage of energy reflected)
Z1 = acoustic impedance of first material
Z2 = acoustic impedance of second material
For the metal/air boundaries commonly seen in ultrasonic flaw detection applications, the reflection coefficient approaches 100%. Virtually all of the sound energy is reflected from a crack or other discontinuity in the path of the wave. This is the fundamental principle that makes ultrasonic flaw detection possible.
Angle of Reflection and Refraction: Sound energy at ultrasonic frequencies is highly directional and the sound beams used for flaw detection are well defined. In situations where sound reflects off a boundary, the angle of reflection equals the angle of incidence. A sound beam that hits a surface at perpendicular incidence will reflect straight back. A sound beam that hits a surface at an angle will reflect forward at the same angle.
Sound energy that is transmitted from one material to another bends in accordance with Snell's Law of refraction. Again, a beam that is traveling straight will continue in a straight direction, but a beam that strikes a boundary at an angle will be bent according to the formula:
Ø1 = incident angle in first material
Ø2= refracted angle in second material
V1 = sound velocity in first material
V2 = sound velocity in second material
This relationship is an important factor in angle beam testing, which is discussed in Section 4.
2. Ultrasonic Transducers
In the broadest sense, a transducer is a device that converts energy from one form to another. Ultrasonic transducers convert electrical energy into high frequency sound energy and vice versa.
Cross section of typical contact transducer
Typical transducers for ultrasonic flaw detection utilize an active element made of a piezoelectric ceramic, composite, or polymer. When this element is excited by a high voltage electrical pulse, it vibrates across a specific spectrum of frequencies and generates a burst of sound waves. When it is vibrated by an incoming sound wave, it generates an electrical pulse. The front surface of the element is usually covered by a wear plate that protects it from damage, and the back
surface is bonded to backing material that mechanically dampens vibrations once the sound generation process is complete. Because sound energy at ultrasonic frequencies does not travel efficiently through gasses, a thin layer of coupling liquid or gel is normally used between the transducer and the test piece.
There are five types of ultrasonic transducers commonly used in flaw detection applications:
- Contact Transducers -- As the name implies, contact transducers are used in direct contact with the test piece. They introduce sound energy perpendicular to the surface, and are typically used for locating voids, porosity, and cracks or delaminations parallel to the outside surface of a part, as well as for measuring thickness.
- Angle Beam Transducers -- Angle beam transducers are used in conjunction with plastic or epoxy wedges (angle beams) to introduce shear waves or longitudinal waves into a test piece at a designated angle with respect to the surface. They are commonly used in weld inspection.
- Delay Line Transducers - Delay line transducers incorporate a short plastic waveguide or delay line between the active element and the test piece. They are used to improve near surface resolution and also in high temperature testing, where the delay line protects the active element from thermal damage.
- Immersion Transducers - Immersion transducers are designed to couple sound energy into the test piece through a water column or water bath. They are used in automated scanning applications and also in situations where a sharply focused beam is needed to improve flaw resolution.
- Dual Element Transducers - Dual element transducers utilize separate transmitter and receiver elements in a single assembly. They are often used in applications involving rough surfaces, coarse grained materials, detection of pitting or porosity, and they offer good high temperature tolerance as well.
Further details on the advantages of various transducer types, as well as the range of frequencies and diameters offered, may be found in the transducer section of our web site.
3. Ultrasonic Flaw Detectors
Modern ultrasonic flaw detectors such as the EPOCH series are small, portable, microprocessor-based instruments suitable for both shop and field use. They generate and display an ultrasonic waveform that is interpreted by a trained operator, often with the aid of analysis software, to locate and categorize flaws in test pieces. They will typically include an ultrasonic pulser/receiver, hardware and software for signal capture and analysis, a
waveform display, and a data logging module. While some analog-based flaw detectors are still manufactured, most contemporary instruments use digital signal processing for improved stability and precision.
The pulser/receiver section is the ultrasonic front end of the flaw detector. It provides an excitation pulse to drive the transducer, and amplification and filtering for the returning echoes. Pulse amplitude, shape, and damping can be controlled to optimize transducer performance, and receiver gain and bandwidth can be adjusted to optimize signal-to-noise ratios.
Modern flaw detectors typically capture a waveform digitally and then perform various measurement and analysis function on it. A clock or timer will be used to synchronize transducer pulses and provide distance calibration. Signal processing may be as simple as generation of a waveform display that shows signal amplitude versus time on a calibrated scale, or as complex as sophisticated digital processing algorithms that incorporate distance/amplitude correction and trigonometric
calculations for angled sound paths. Alarm gates are often employed to monitor signal levels at selected points in the wave train to flag echoes from flaws.
The display may be a CRT, a liquid crystal, or an electroluminescent display. The screen will typically be calibrated in units of depth or distance. Multicolor displays can be used to provide interpretive assistance.
Internal data loggers can be used to record full waveform and setup information associated with each test, if required for documentation purposes, or selected information like echo amplitude, depth or distance readings, or presence or absence of alarm conditions.
4. Procedure
Ultrasonic flaw detection is basically a comparative technique. Using appropriate reference standards along with a knowledge of sound wave propagation and generally accepted test procedures, a trained operator identifies specific echo patterns corresponding to the echo response from good parts and from representative flaws. The echo pattern from an test piece may then be compared to the patterns from these calibration standards to determine its condition.
- Straight Beam Testing -- Straight beam testing utilizing contact, delay line, dual element, or immersion transducers is generally employed to find cracks or delaminations parallel to the surface of the test piece, as well as voids and porosity. It utilizes the basic principle that sound energy traveling through a medium will continue to propagate until it either disperses or reflects off a boundary with another material, such as the air surrounding a far wall or found inside a
crack. In this type of test, the operator couples the transducer to the test piece and locates the echo returning from the far wall of the test piece, and then looks for any echoes that arrive ahead of that backwall echo, discounting grain scatter noise if present. An acoustically significant echo that precedes the backwall echo implies the presence of a laminar crack or void. Through further analysis, the depth, size, and shape of the structure producing the reflection can be
Sound energy will travel to the far side of a part, but reflect earlier if a laminar crack or similar discontinuity is presented.
In some specialized cases, testing is performed in a through transmission mode, where sound energy travels between two transducers placed on opposite sides of the test piece. If a large flaw is present in the sound path, the beam will be obstructed and the sound pulse will not reach the receiver.
- Angle Beam Testing - Cracks or other discontinuities perpendicular to the surface of a test piece, or tilted with respect to that surface, are usually invisible with straight beam test techniques because of their orientation with respect to the sound beam. Such defects can occur in welds, in structural metal parts, and many other critical components. To find them, angle beam techniques are used, employing either common angle beam (wedge) transducer assemblies or immersion
transducers aligned so as to direct sound energy into the test piece at a selected angle. The use of angle beam testing is especially common in weld inspection.
Typical angle beam assemblies make use of mode conversion and Snell's Law to generate a shear wave at a selected angle (most commonly 30, 45, 60, or 70 degrees) in the test piece. As the angle of an incident longitudinal wave with respect to a surface increases, an increasing portion of the sound energy is converted to a shear wave in the second material, and if the angle is high enough, all of the energy in the second material will be in the form of shear waves. There are
two advantages to designing common angle beams to take advantage of this mode conversion phenomenon. First, energy transfer is more efficient at the incident angles that generate shear waves in steel and similar materials. Second, minimum flaw size resolution is improved through the use of shear waves, since at a given frequency, the wavelength of a shear wave is approximately 60% the wavelength of a comparable longitudinal wave.
Typical angle beam assembly
The angled sound beam is highly sensitive to cracks perpendicular to the far surface of the test piece (first leg test) or, after bouncing off the far side, to cracks perpendicular to the coupling surface (second leg test). A variety of specific beam angles and probe positions are used to accommodate different part geometries and flaw types, and these are described in detail in appropriate inspection codes and procedures such as ASTM E-164 and the AWS Structural Welding Code.
Ultrasonic testing, or UT as it is often called, has many uses in the world of manufacturing and quality control. It involves the use of ultrasound to detect defects in products such as metal components and other structures, even when they are hidden under paint or another surface layer.
Ultrasonic testing can be used to find ut flaws that may have been overlooked with more traditional quality control techniques, improving product safety and reliability while reducing costs over time.
However, there are several limitations to ultrasonic testing that should be kept in mind when considering this technology as part of your QA process. Continue reading below to learn more about the advantages and limitations of ultrasonic testing.
Ultrasonic testing, also known as UT, or ultrasonic examination, uses high-frequency sound waves to inspect an objects surface and detect flaws.
UT was originally developed in the s to determine the thickness of welded seams in aircraft carriers and battleships, but since then, it has evolved into an indispensable tool that quality control technicians use every day to ensure consumer safety and monitor manufacturing quality.
It works by emitting high-frequency sounds and detecting how they bounce off the subject under inspectionsubtly different sounds will mean there are surface defects on the object being tested.
The testing involves placing a transducer over a material and transmitting sound waves into it. When these waves hit an imperfection in a structure, they will reflect back to their source at an altered frequency; thats how you can measure flaws in real-time with no contact.
An expert ultrasonics technician may be able to pinpoint problems that traditional methods missthats why ultrasonic testing is so commonly used for detecting cracks in structures like aircraft wings or bridges.
The test results in images are called sonograms. Like any type of nondestructive testing (NDT), ultrasonics is a valuable technique because it allows engineers to evaluate a product without causing physical damage.
Related Article: Everything you Want to Know About Ultrasonic Testing
Ultrasonic testing (UT) is an important part of many manufacturing processes. It is used to detect defects or check for flaws in an objects construction.
Ultrasonic testing gives manufacturers better insight into how their products age over time; if a manufacturer can find out why some products fail faster than others after shippingwhether its environmental factors or incorrect manufacturing processesthey can reduce those risks for future shipments.
This can help a manufacturer identify issues that may cause problems in later stages and be addressed before they affect quality or functionality.
The most common type of ultrasonic testing works by producing a sound thats above what humans can hear. It then analyzes how long it takes for that sound to bounce back after colliding with something like a surface or object.
The time taken for reflection, along with properties like amplitude, is used to determine information about whatever is being tested. These test results can be used to evaluate things like weld quality on car doors or weld integrity on bridges.
They also allow technicians to detect problems early before they become major issues. Small variations in sound waves could indicate cracks or other structural defects. In some cases, when combined with other testing methods, it allows engineers to test components during operation without stopping any processes or interrupting anything happening at all.
Often referred to as ultrasonic inspection, ultrasonic testing uses sound waves to examine a materials internal and external structure. The basic principle underlying ultrasonic testing is that materials have different acoustic properties.
A pulse of high-frequency sound is produced in an emitter or piezoelectric transducer, transmitted into a receiving transducer and recorded by a receiver or strain gauge. Sound travels at approximately 3.1 miles per second in the air (or 5 miles per second through water). The speed of sound varies depending on temperature, however.
Here are the advantages and limitations of ultrasonic testing are so that you can make an informed decision about using this technology during your production line inspections.
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The equipment can be portable. It is also one of several methods that can be used to detect flaws in metal, plastic, wood, concrete, etc.
Its reasonably simple to use
The most common types of ultrasonic testing equipment are sound source generators and electronic receivers.
Both must have a specific frequency for optimal resultstypically 40 kilohertz for ferrous materials (metal), 50 kilohertz for nonferrous material (plastic or wood), and 20 kilohertz for concrete structures or structures made from composite metals.
A typical test may last only two or three minutes, but tests with more sensitive equipment may take longer.
Little to no damage
An ultrasonic inspection does not damage items being tested because it uses sound waves at frequencies too high to cause pain when humans hear them.
Lower energy consumption
Energy consumption is low compared with other physical non-destructive testing processes such as magnetic particle inspection and radiography, which use ionizing radiation to evaluate objects (although they do not involve sound waves).
Moreover, ultrasound is unaffected by magnetism and radioactivity, so it can be used on these types of objects without damaging them.
Safe for testers
The devices that create and receive ultrasonic signals are designed to protect against possible harm caused by exposure to loud noises. This can help prevent temporary hearing loss caused by continuous loud sounds or permanent hearing loss caused by repeated exposure over time.
The testing equipment is expensive. Unless you can afford to own a device, you have to pay per test. Per-test fees can run $1,000 or more if you test often or with small parts. You might need special adapters for some parts and surface finishes. Test points tend to be concentrated on larger, more complex parts.
Its hard to get a lot of test points when ultrasonic testing involves heating samples in an oven, so it takes time to go back and forth between tests on different surfaces, especially with small samples that heat up quickly.
This type of testing uses visual methods rather than instruments to see flaws, making them subject to operator interpretation errors.
Visual methods are less accurate than destructive analytical techniques like magnetic particle inspection (MPI). They lack sensitivity, too: even top technicians find it hard to diagnose fine cracks at one micron or smaller.
An ultrasonic flaw inspection will miss some tiny defects and likely overestimate others, which creates more significant uncertainty in your results.
Ultrasonic inspections require experience for anyone outside a lab setting to interpret images correctlyeven techs who do nothing but interpret images every day struggle sometimes.
Related Article: Phased Array Ultrasonic Testing: Definition and Working Principle
In conclusion, you should use ultrasonic testing in order to inspect your product. Its advantages are long-term usage, precision, and detection.
Its limitation is if there is noise interference while testing. Therefore, we suggest using ultrasonic testing for inspection of your products on various scales such as pipes or plates. Also, ultrasonic tests can be used not only for plastic pipes but also for metal materials like plates due to their versatility despite different test surfaces.
If you are looking for more details, kindly visit Brinell Hardness Tester Suppliers.
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